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海鸟正在那儿营窝做巢。Sea birds were nesting there.

燕子正在汽车房做窝。Swallows are nesting in the garage.

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俄式套娃是一组玩偶。Matreshka is a set of nesting dolls.

这被称作“筑巢”或“结茧”。This is called nesting or cocooning.

重叠标签巢套是不允许的。Overlapped tag nesting is not allowed.

她与混蛋的公鸡巢居。She is nesting with the wrong rooster.

基于嵌套层次的缩进标记。Markup indented based on nesting level.

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燕子正在小棚里筑巢呢。The swallows are nesting in the woodshed.

俄式套娃俄式套娃是一组玩偶。Matreshkas Matreshka is a set of nesting dolls.

要避免将一个手风琴导航嵌入到另一个手风琴导航中。Avoid nesting accordions inside of other accordions.

来自相同层次结构的级别的不相邻嵌套Nonadjacent Nesting of Levels from the same Hierarchy

冬天的时候,它们很可能待在树上,共同筑巢。In winters, they're probably in trees, nesting together.

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人们为获取海龟肉、龟壳和龟皮,杀死筑巢中的海龟。Nesting turtles were killed for their meat, shell and skin.

请注意,是如何根据元素嵌套来缩进结构的。Note how the structure is indented based on element nesting.

确保盒子的侧面有较高的围边,便于做窝。Make sure the box has high sides that will allow for nesting.

这种鸟非同寻常的筑巢习惯是它区别于其他鸟的特征。Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.

鸟类在七山岛筑巢。The Island of the Seven Mountains is used by birds for nesting.

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建立适合的容器,以巢状控制项或元件。Creates a container suitable for nesting controls or components.

您还可以在嵌套事件定义时对其进行引用。You can also refer to them when you are nesting event definitions.

一个常见的语法错误是父元素和子元素的错误嵌套。A common syntax error is improper nesting of parent and child elements.