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酒店附近分布有一些商店和娱乐场所。Auckland Airport is a 20-minute drive away.

你能否改变奥克兰酒店不夜城吗?Could you change the Auckland hotel to Skycity ?

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如可能的话,面交以奥克兰地区为主。If possible , I prefet to sale my car near Auckland.

奥克兰大学的学生在派对上面的舞蹈。Come and enjoy Bhangra performance at University of Auckland.

我们全家在2001年从中国大陆移民到了奥克兰中部。My family moved to central Auckland in 2001 from mainland China.

纽西兰航空公司来回奥克兰至罗托鲁瓦机票。Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Auckland and Rotorua on NZ.

2003年3月在奥克兰玛努考市区购物中心,奥克兰动物园野餐活动。Febuary 2003 At the Manukau City, Shopping Mall and the Zoo, Auckland.

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2003年3月在奥克兰北岸餐厅,租客的儿子。Febuary 2003 Denny's Restaurant North Shore and Tanant's Son, Auckland.

2003年3月在奥克兰奥克兰动物园野餐活动,市区海边,电影院。Febuary 2003 Picnic at the Zoo, Harbour at the City and cinema, Auckland.

吴邦国是27日上午乘专机离开惠灵顿抵达奥克兰的。Wu left Wellington for Auckland by a special plane on the morning of May 27.

在前10名中,温哥华、奥克兰和悉尼是仅有的几个非欧洲城市。Vancouver, Auckland and Sydney were the only non-European cities in the top 10.

这个新西兰奥克兰大学塞马分校的学生所完成的一项作业。A group assignment produced by students at Epsom Campus, University of Auckland.

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希拉里身患心脏病,本周五在奥克兰医院去世,享年88岁。Hillary, 88, suffered a heart attack and died in an Auckland hospital on Friday.

很开心看到海宁能复出,Yanina获得奥克兰的冠军。It was fantastic to see Justine back to her best and Yanina winning in Auckland.

奥克兰城堡到那时会成为该馆近200年来第一个分馆。Auckland Castle would then become the gallery’s first branch in nearly two centuries.

自1999年退休之前,一直在奥坎兰大学音乐学院执教。John Rimmer taught at the School of Music, University of Auckland before retiring in 1999.

奥克兰队进攻,洛姆从左翼突围,甩下几个追逐者在角区得分。Auckland attack and Lomu Breaks down left wing, beats several chasers and scores in corner.

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该研究是由奥克兰大学的麦吉•卡莱弗博士和马修•杜林教授共同开展的。The study at Auckland University was undertaken by Dr Maggie Kalev and Professor Matthew During.

星期天的雨夜一个小时内奥克兰警察在一平方公里内处理了四个被刀砍伤人。In a single hour one rainy Saturday night, Auckland police attended four knifings within 1 sq. km.

约翰-里默曾在奥克兰大学学习作曲,之后赴多伦多大学。John Rimmer studied composition at the University of Auckland and later at the University of Toronto.