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不幸的是,将它称之为安全性漏洞有些轻描淡写。To call this a security hole is to understate the point woefully.

几乎可以肯定地说,官方数据低估了真实情况。It is almost certain that the official numbers understate reality.

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要求性的指示,就是“轻描淡写”在管理上的对应。A direction given as a request is a managerial typeof understate ment.

商业银行的新增贷款高达7.95万亿人民币,甚至这一数字可能低估了实际贷款额。Banks made 7.95 trillion yuan of new loans, and even that figure may understate their generosity.

美国劳工统计局用几何加权法低估通胀。The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics uses geometric weighting and hedonics to understate inflation.

压力测试的数据实际上低估了一些银行向某些问题国家发放的贷款。The stress-test figures actually understate some banks' holdings of loans in certain troubled countries.

一些记者觉得,这类疾病的官方数据往往比疾病暴发时的真正程度更保守。Some journalists feel that official data on such diseases tends to understate the real extent of outbreaks.

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而许多经济学家表示,官方数字实际上低估了通货膨胀率,实际的数字可能比这高一倍。And many economists say the official figures actually understate the rate of inflation, which might in reality be twice as high.

不过,保护1400英里长的珊瑚礁的任务之浩大,在报告的描述中显得令人担忧,而且它可能严重低估了保护成本。But it paints a grim picture of the scale of protecting the 1,400-mile-long reef, and may severely understate the cost of doing so.

如果说凯业必达的调查有不足之处,就是其数据低估了雇主对人才的需求,因为这些数据仅反映了登广告的职位空缺。If anything, CareerBuilder's figures understate employers' appetite for talent, since the data only reflects advertised job openings.

我们可能会看到失业率长期处于两位数,而官方失业数据仍将低估问题的严重性。We may be looking at long-term, double-digit unemployment with official unemployment figures that understate the extent of the problem.

大部分余下的差距也许反映了幕后的资本流动,而非北京故意耍手段少报贸易盈余。Much of the remaining gap probably reflects disguised capital flows rather than a deliberate ploy by Beijing to understate its trade surplus.

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“中国政府几乎习惯性的低估漏油造成的影响,”斯特纳在一场记者发布会上说,“但是这次同实际情况的差异非常严重,也很不常见。”"It's habitual for governments to understate oil spills, " Steiner told a news conference. "But the severity of the discrepancy is unusual here."

金钱标准衡量贫困严重地低估了收入,因为他们忽略了实物转移,例如食品券、医疗和房屋的援助。Money measures of poverty seriously understate income, because they omit in-kind transfers such as food stamps and medical and housing assistance.

城市居民可支配收入为农村家庭的3.23倍——这个数字很可能被保守的低估了。For every one yuan of a rural resident's income, a city-dweller enjoys 3.23 yuan in disposable income – and that may significantly understate the gap.

但是没有人不会说他是同盟最弱小的中锋之一,或许以为4个总冠军或许亚特兰大奥运会金牌不主要。But no one can understate that he is one of the league's all-time elite centers, or discount his four championships and his gold medal from the Atlanta Olympics.

经济学家认为实际问题比这个数字还糟糕,因为人们重新就学,以及人们大批移民到其他国家,所以就业市场的参与率下降了。Economists say this may understate the problem, with participation rates falling as people go back to education and the country sees a return to large-scale emigration.

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如果仅仅只是说互联网使得思想方面大规模的高效审查变得不可能,这对于互联网作为一个史无前例的个体解放利器的重要性也太过轻描淡写了。To merely say that the Internet has made the effective large-scale censorship of ideas impossible would understate the case for the Internet as a tool of unprecedented individual liberation.

美国财政部公布的外国对美短期证券的投资报告提供的数据数据,可能低估了中国对美短期证劵的购买力,因为中国会通过非美国途径购买。America’s Treasury reports on foreigners’ investments in American securities, but these figures may understate China’s stash because China buys some dollar assets though non-American intermediaries.