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彭博和麦克劳希尔的发言人士均拒绝评论.Bloomberg and McGraw spokespeople declined to comment.

我曾以电话和邮件方式联络阿尔瓦利德在利雅得的发言人,但均未得到回复。My calls and emails to Alwaleed’s spokespeople in Riyadh were not returned.

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艾利森、巴尔默、贝佐斯和默多克则通过发言人拒绝置评。Ellison, Ballmer, Bezos and Murdoch declined to comment through spokespeople.

“丰田标志有一个整个的圈在里面”,吉利的发言人没有这么说。"The Toyota logo has a whole ' nother ring in it, " Geely spokespeople did not say.

机器人也使用微博,但是通常只是转播美航天局发言人的信息。The robot also uses Twitter, but generally just messages relayed from NASA spokespeople.

当一个产品具有革新意义的时候,社会名媛很可能对它们有害无益。When a product is truly revolutionary, celebrity spokespeople may do more harm than good.

大多数发言人擅用"套话"来搪塞记者提问。Most spokespeople are experts at doling out cut and dried answers to reporters' questions.

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五家公司的发言人都不愿意表态,或者不愿意立即表态。Spokespeople at all five companies either declined to comment or were not immediately available.

国务院发言人擅长用早已备好的老套答案应对记者的提问。State Department spokespeople are expert vendors of cut and dried answers to reporters'questions.

到现在为止AGRA的发言人们说辞一直难以捉摸,坦率地说,他们对转基因生物的立场自相矛盾。Up to now AGRA spokespeople have been slippery, and frankly, contradictory about their stance on GMOs.

百事亦请到迈克尔·杰克逊等名人作为代言人,把自己塑造成新时代的饮料品牌。The brand was also marketed as the soda of the new generation with celebrity spokespeople like Michael Jackson.

来自各个非政府组织的发言人和科学家将举办气候变迁的讲座。Spokespeople from various non-governmental organizations and climate scientists will give lectures on climate change.

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今天,我们非常兴奋,因为新加入可口可乐的一位代言人也来到了现场,将与我们共享这个新的数码震撼。Today, we are thrilled to have one of our new spokespeople here to join us in experiencing this new digital sensation!

正如我开篇所讲,我对你们听到的那些来自五角大楼发言人荒谬的委婉语感到抱歉。As I mentioned at the start, I am sorry about all those ridiculous euphemisms you heard from our Pentagon spokespeople.

华盛顿海军发言人将这一疑问抛向了驻扎在巴林的第五舰队,但目前未有官方声明。Navy spokespeople in Washington referred inquiries to Bahrain, home of the 5th Fleet, where officials were not available.

“女性正在推动所有决定,”他说,我曾会晤过的“微选”代言人也提到这一变化。"It's the women who are driving all the decisions, " he says —a change the MicroSort spokespeople I met with also mentioned.

“女性正在推动所有决定,”他说,我曾会晤过的“微选”代言人也提到这一变化。“It’s the women who are driving all the decisions, ” he says —a change the MicroSort spokespeople I met with also mentioned.

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其大部分发言人都谈及要保护妇女免遭堕胎之苦,都坚称他们对看到她们受到惩罚并不感兴趣。Most of its spokespeople talk about protecting women from abortion, insisting they’re not interested in seeing them punished.

白宫讲话人凡是都要死力避免做出经济展望,出格是在金融前景暗淡的时辰。As a rule, White House spokespeople strenuously avoid economic predictions, particularly when the nation's financial outlook is dim.

公司尚未宣布系统恢复的预计时间,我们也在等待MySQL和Sun发言人发布官方声明。No estimated recovery time has been announced, and ReadWriteWeb is waiting on an official statement from MySQL and Sun spokespeople.