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第一个存储排除所有木制产品。The first store excludes all woodworking products.

老式木工活的工作计划和项目。Vintage WoodWorking Plans and Wood working Projects.

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他们自己做饭,纺线,做木工活。They do their own cooking, spinning, and woodworking.

青岛市木工机械协会会员单位。Qingdao Woodworking Machinery Association member units.

艺术品,木雕,任何占用你的手的东西。Art works, woodworking works anything that occupies your hands.

如今的伦教,已经聚集了120家木工机械企业。Lunjiao now has gathered 120 enterprises of woodworking machinery.

木工和天文学老师一起合作在课堂上造一个天文望远镜。Woodworking and astronomy teachers worked together on a class that built a telescope.

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一个更好的主意是买一套基本的木工工具,如上图所示。A better idea is to buy a basic assortment of woodworking tools like the one shown here.

木材加工机械。主轴定位的圆盘式磨光机。专用术语。Woodworking machines. disc sanding machines with spindle in fixed position. nomenclature.

软件工具在许多方面与木制工艺工具或者任何其它工具工具都十分相似。Software tools are in many ways similar to woodworking tools or tools for any other craft.

这也是数控木工雕刻机基本特点。This is also the basic characteristics of numerical control woodworking engraving machine.

了解如何创建和切出在这个自由自己动手做的一桌子的两侧木工视频厨。Learn how to create and cut out the sides of a desk hutch in this free DIY woodworking video.

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许多人会将tansu柜子这种工艺作为日本木工工艺的极致。Many would regard the crafting of tansu chests as the acme of the woodworking craft in Japan.

对很多人来说,用锋利的馁子刨木头的声音和感觉就是木工的真谛。The sound and feel of a sharp plane slicing through wood is to many the essence of woodworking.

这个机器引进于上个月的亚特兰大木工机械展会。Stiles introduced the equipment last month at the International Woodworking Fair in Atlanta, Ga.

对很多人来说,用锋利的刨子刨木头的声音和感觉就是木工的真谛。The sound and feel of a sharp plane slicing through wood is, to many, the essence of woodworking.

了解如何更改一台便携式厚度刨床在这个自由自己动手做木工刀片磨损视频。Learn how to change worn blades on a portable thickness planer in this free DIY woodworking video.

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在学校,男生和女生都必须参加烹饪课、缝纫课、金属加工课以及木工艺课。In school, classes in cooking, sewing, metalworking, and woodworking are compulsory for both sexes.

宏兴达木工艺厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。Hongxing of woodworking plant integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry.

了解有关安装从木工专家在这个自由木工视频后面的书柜。Learn about installing the back of a bookcase from a carpentry expert in this free woodworking video.