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第三个就是行政管理。And the third is administration.

这是口服药吗?Is this for oral administration?

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管理机关的棺材。The coffin of the administration.

什么是管理成本?What are the administration costs?.

你知道很多有关行政的工作。You know a lot about administration.

从管理控制台注销。Logout of the administration console.

回到这个管理控制台。Return to the administration console.

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可视图文管理软件?。VAS?Videotex Administration Software?

继续讲一些行政管理上的事。Let's continue with the administration.

工商管理是很简单的部分。Business administration is the easy part.

大牛,这里就是议事厅了。Daniel, this was the administration hall.

那就是奥巴马政权。That is the abama administration in the US.

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扬州市国土资源管理局。Yangzhou Land Resouce Administration Bureau.

下行和宫或麻省理工学院管理。Dower and Miyagawa or the MIT administration.

他一直负责林政工作。He has been in charge of forest administration.

学生占领行政大楼。The students occupied the Administration Block.

他是行政和外交事务方面的一个杰出人物。He was a master of administration and diplomacy.

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她的计划尚末得到管理部门的批准。Her plan is not passed by administration section.

省级行政管理同样也是漆黑一团。Provincial administration was equally black spot.

奥巴马政府现在处于守势。The Obama administration is now on the defensive.