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脂肪过多的饭餐是不健康的。A fat-laden meal is unhealthy.

而且他们的身体因此变得不健康。and they get unhealthy about it.

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生活的戏剧化是不健康的。It is unhealthy to dramatise life.

低糖减肥餐对孩童是不健康的吗?。Are Low -Carb Diets Unhealthy for Kids?

为我们搜索的不健康的黑暗的道路Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkn'd ways

我不会再庇护任何不健康的思想。I will not harbor unhealthy thoughts anymore.

一个人可以通过社交而习得不健康的饮食习惯。Unhealthy eating habits can be socially learned.

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他吃和不健康的饮食并且他没有做锻炼。He had and unhealthy diet and he did no exercise.

一些适合体弱者及老者的运动。Some suggested sports for the unhealthy and aged.

黑色幽默是指病态的或不健康的,阴郁的幽默。Black humor is morbid or unhealthy and gloomy humor.

茎干缓慢转变成不健康的黄色。The stem slowly turned an unhealthy shade of yellow.

但他确实是这种不良趋向的“最佳典范”。But he is really the best example of an unhealthy trend.

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过重的头号敌人,谁的化身不健康的饮食。An over-weight arch enemy who personifies unhealthy eating.

总体来看,受访者中有314人占尽四种不良习惯。Overall, 314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors.

而且,有越来越多的消费者认为,西式快餐并不健康。A growing number of consumers also see fast food as unhealthy.

我们一定要杜绝考试作弊的歪风邪气。We must eradicate the unhealthy tendency of cheating in exams.

儿童过胖通常是白于不健康饮食引起的。Overweight in children is generally caused by unhealthy eating.

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为什么我们要调整这种不健康的发展模式呢?Why should we justify this kind of unhealthy development model?

转变成褐色的酒表示已经氧化和有害的。Turning brown, however means the wine is oxidised and unhealthy.

不健康的是通往成名之路的持续的挣扎。What’s unhealthy is the constant struggle I see towards stardom.