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打击可能吓着一些人。The crackdown may scare some.

英国取缔酒桌游戏严打豪饮之风。Out go drinking games in UK crackdown.

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深圳打击人贩子,逮捕17名嫌犯。Crackdown on kidnap scams nets 17 suspects.

政府部门制裁了网上赌博。Part of government-wide crackdown on online gambling

日本正加大对吸烟的打击力度。Japan is getting heavy-handed in its crackdown on smoking.

日本在在加大对吸烟的打击力度。Japan is getting heavy-handed in its crackdown on smoking.

有缘的是,两个人在半路就遇着了。Affinity for the two people in the halfway of the Crackdown.

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在政府镇压期间,该城市整个被封锁起来了。There was lock down of the city during government crackdown.

这次搜捕行动是哈马斯加强镇压法塔赫的一部分。The raid is part of an intensifying Hamas crackdown on Fatah.

“打团伙、破网络、端窝点”,重点查处侵权盗版的大案要案。Singling out major gangs in the crackdown on copyright piracy.

准军事部队已经部署在了最前线。Paramilitary troops have been at the forefront of the crackdown.

但是这次新围剿行动之后,我不知道该怎么去看待这件事。But with this new crackdown campaign, I don’t know what to think.

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部分治安巡逻任务由全副武装的军警担任。Part of the crackdown patrols by heavily-armed soldiers and police.

英某高中禁止女生穿裙子和紧身裤。School bans skirts and tight-fitting trousers in uniform crackdown.

有些人担心大众的偏见会继续蔓延,给移民限制火上加油。Some fear popular prejudice is growing, and fuelling the crackdown.

那之后,美国和伊拉克打击他的追随者仍在继续。That' s after a US-Iraqi crackdown against his followers continues.

当局对人身自由和异议发起了大规模镇压。Authorities launched a major crackdown on personal freedom and dissent.

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努力仅仅一年后,在打击恋童了适得其反的。The effort comes just a year after a crackdown on pedophilia backfired.

四月十日失败的镇压活动,使得25人死亡,百余人受伤。A failed crackdown on 10 April left 25 people dead and hundreds injured.

中国当局最近对持有异议的民主人士发起了一轮较大规模的镇压。Chinese authorities have launched a major crackdown on dissent recently.