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我对坐著做的工作已经腻了。I'm bored with sedentary work.

风对不动的蚜虫很少有影响。Wind has little influence on sedentary aphids.

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但是即使那些也成为了过去,直到我成为久坐者。But even that went away, until I became sedentary.

他的残废使他喜欢做些案头工作。His lameness made him fond of sedentary occupation.

毕竟我不建议过一种光坐着不动的生活方式。I’m not suggesting a sedentary lifestyle, after all.

这不过是宅着做冒险的主题需求罢了。It's just sedentary adventurism in need of a subject.

忌久坐喜欢坐着不动,对身体健康是有害的。Avoid sedentary like sitting down is harmful to health.

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我认为长期伏案的生活一点也不适合我。I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me.

如果你的工作性质是久坐不起类,那这一点特别重要。This is especially important if you have a sedentary job.

在多年久坐的生活后,我开始跑步和练瑜伽。I took up running and yoga after years of sedentary living.

当然,久坐办公室工作也会造成同样的问题。Of course, there's also the issue of sedentary office work.

许多人工作时都是一直坐着的,所以动一动也就是休息了。Most people are sedentary at work, so movement gives a break.

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研究发现,久坐不动的生活方式可导致肺动脉栓塞Sedentary lifestyle can lead to pulmonary embolism, study finds

久坐不可为,腰痛不特别。此时可推拿后溪穴。Sedentary for low back pain, not special. The massage Houxi point.

我们大部分的健康问题都是由久坐不动的生活方式造成的。Most of our health problems are caused by our sedentary lifestyles.

手喂养公式热量密度和幼鸟往往是久坐。Hand feeding formulas are calorie-dense and baby birds tend to be sedentary.

在上班时,每隔1-2小时起来活动一下身体,不要久坐。In work, every other 1-2 hours up and move around the body, don't sedentary.

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久坐不起的办公室生活给人们的健康带来及其不良的影响。A sedentary office life exerts an extremely bad influence on people's health.

研究员招募了27名不常运动的男子参加了为期12周的研究。The researchers recruited 27 sedentary men to participate in the 12 week study.

参与此实验是年龄在60-75岁之间、长期久坐不动的老年人。The study is based on an experiment conducted with sedentary people aged 60-75.