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例如榆树可以治疗咽喉痛。An example is slippery elm for sore throat and laryngitis.

哈德罗患水肿性喉炎多年了。For many years Harold was afflicted with edematous laryngitis.

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杰克打电话给他的医生,说他的妻子有喉炎。Jake called his doctor to tell him that his wife had laryngitis.

对感冒,百日咳,喉炎,慢性支气管炎有效。To the cold, whooping cough, laryngitis , chronic bronchitic effective.

结论会厌逐瘀汤加味治疗慢性肥厚性喉炎有确切疗效。Conclusion This therapy with ESED is effective on chronic hypertrophic laryngitis.

伴急性喉炎易引起呼吸困难,要特别注意。With acute laryngitis easily cause difficulty in breathing, special attention should be paid.

慢性喉炎的原因可能是经常性急性喉炎,这并不以往任何时候都充分得到更好的。Chronic laryngitis may be caused by recurrent acute laryngitis that does not ever fully get better.

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大多数情况下,急性喉炎,可以治疗由病人和有没有必要访问你的家庭医生。Most cases of acute laryngitis can be treated by the patient and there is no need to visit your GP.

目的分析糖皮质激素在小儿急性喉炎中的治疗价值。Objective To evaluate the value of glucocorticoids in the treatment of acute laryngitis in children.

有时压力诱发的行为问题发出过度的叫声也会导致喉炎。Sometimes, a stress-induced behavioral problem that involves extensive yowling or mewing may cause laryngitis.

急性喉炎是所造成的病毒感染,通常是联系在一起的普通感冒或上呼吸道感染。Acute laryngitis is caused by a viral infection, usually linked to the common cold or an upper respiratory infection.

简单的喉炎通常由像普通感冒这类感染引起。其它原因还有吸进刺激物。Simple laryngitis usually occurs with infections such as the common cold. Other causes include inhalation of irritants.

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现在还没有可靠的方法来证实可疑的返流性喉炎患者中存在胃液返流现象。At the moment, there is no reliable means to confirm reflux of gastric juice in patients with suspected reflux laryngitis.

唉,对不起,但对这个病,时间是最好的药物。对治好你妻子的喉炎我几乎别无它法。Well, I'm sorry, but in this case, time is the best medicine. There is really nothing I can do to cure your wife's laryngitis.

我们报告一个早期原发性喉粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤的病例,同时伴随有慢性喉炎及胃部幽门螺旋杆菌感染。We present a case diagnosed with early stage MALT lymphoma of larynx associated with chronic laryngitis and gastric H. pylon infection.

此外,咽部返流事件在返流性喉炎患者的发病率远比以往此类综述报道的要低。In addition, the prevalence of PR events in patients with reflux laryngitis is much lower than reported in previous reviews on this subject.

目的观察布地奈德吸入对小儿急性喉炎、喉气管支气管炎的疗效。Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of budesonide inhalation on acute infectious laryngitis and laryngotracheobronchitis in children.

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小学一、二年级教师检出率最高,喉部检查结果以声带小结和慢性喉炎最多。The highest detection rate was found among the teacher of grade one and grade two. The diseases were mainly vocal nodules and chronic laryngitis.

方法对180例慢性喉炎、声带小结、早期声带息肉、声带息肉术后嗓音恢复病人使用FFM治疗。MethodsTo cure 180 cases of chronic laryngitis , vocal nodules, early polyp of vocal cord, polyp of vocal cord postoperative throat voice resume were cured by FFM.

生理反应可能出现在喉部如喉咙痛,喉炎,窦问题,甲状腺问题,颈部肌肉僵硬和难以吞咽。Physical manifestations may occur in the throat area such as a sore throat, laryngitis , sinus problems, thyroid problems, stiff neck muscles and difficulty in swallowing.