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我可不愿意白吃白喝。I am not a freeloader.

我可不愿白吃白喝别人。我那种爱占便宜的人。I wouldn't freeload . I'm not a freeloader.

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我拒绝任何用户都是一个揩油者或者占他人便宜者这种看法。I reject the notion that any user is a freeloader or a leech.

我告诉他不要继续白吃白住,到外面去再找一个工作。I told him to stop being a freeloader and get out and find another job.

在美国,即使你跟亲人住,也不能白吃白喝。In America even if you live with your relatives, You cannot be a freeloader.

昨天晚上,我告诉他不要白吃白住,到外面去再找工作。Last night I told him to stop being a freeloader and get out and find another job.

昨天晚上,我告诉他不要继续白吃白住,到外面去再找一个工作。Last night, I told him not to be a freeloader any more, and go out to find another new job.

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但是,她却不甘心做一个坐享其成的人,下了很大工夫去找工作来养活自己。But she refused to become a freeloader and tried very hard to find a job to support herself.

但是,她却不甘心做一个坐享其成的人,下了很大工夫去找工作来养活自己。However, she refused to be a freeloader , and tried her best to find a job to make a living.

我去给你拿,那是我的牙刷,你这个吃白食的人。你明天早上就给我出去。I'll get you one. That's my toothbrush. You're such a freeloader. I want you out tomorrow morning.

但是这里所有的免费使用者都代表着使用比其他软件更好且更便宜软件的人。But every freeloader out there represents someone who's getting better software, cheaper, than they would have otherwise.

第二天你拦卡车到了介休,又扒上“三八红旗白拉线”的火车,一直到了北京。The next day, you hitchhiked on a truck to Jiexiu, where you boarded the "International Women's Day Red Flag Freeloader Line" train back to Beijing.