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如果它消失了呢?And if it does disappear?

但他们为什么消失呢?But why did they disappear?

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有一种想念叫避而不见。A miss is avoided disappear.

有人到这里后很失望。Others come here to disappear.

你要把他们都变没?。And you'll make them disappear?

彗星样的行星会消失吗?Comet-Like Planet to Disappear?

一般来说,鸡眼是会消失的。Usually, the corns would disappear.

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这首歌落音你就会离开我。And disappear right after this song.

别让爱消失在沉没中。Don't let love disappear in dumbness.

那些金属制的栅栏慢慢地消失了。Slowly, the metal began to disappear.

像一场梦,但又永远不会消失。Like a dream, but will never disappear.

漂亮的挥杆说来就来,说走就走。A good swing would come, then disappear.

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盼望一觉醒来便会消失。Hope wake up one morning will disappear.

汽车服务店还会继续存在。Service shops are not going to disappear.

荆棘看上去在他面前消失了。The hedge seemed to disappear before him.

实现标记将会消失。The implementation marker will disappear.

在事实面前谣言只得销声匿迹。The rumour had to disappear before facts.

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它们在眨眼间就会消失。And they disappear in the blink of an eye.

她怎么可以无声无息的,就在这个城市消失?How can she disappear without any message?

我的声音已经开始沙哑了。My voice is starting to disappear already.