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所以我决定去一家律师事务所找一份律师助理的工作。so I decided to pursue a job as a paralegal at a law firm.

你认为作为一名律师助理,取得成功的关键品质是什么?。What do you think are the key qualities needed to succeed in the paralegal profession?

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你认为作为一名律师助理,取得成功的要害品德是什么?What do you think are the key qualities needed to succeed in the paralegal profession?

但是由于不能找到一份助理教师的工作,她决定报名参加一个夜校的律师助理课程。Unable to find a job as a teacher's aide, she decided to enroll in paralegal classes at night.

第三点就是他们会说我懂法律,我读律师助理时付出了很多努力,并且我非常认真地对待它。say that I know the law. I put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously.

所有案例的每一项法律意见的每一草稿在公布前都要经我们办公室的一位律师和一位法律助理审读。An attorney and a paralegal in this office read every draft of every opinion in all cases prior to their release.

第三点就是他们会说我懂法律,我读律师助理时付出了很多努力,并且我非常认真地对待它。And thirdly, they’d say that I know the law. I put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously.

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第三点就是他们会说我懂法律,我读律师助理时付出了很多努力,并且我非常认真地对待它。And thirdly, they’ll say that I know the law. I put a lot of effort into my education as a paralegal and take it seriously.

我的工作就是在劳动法领域为法律事务代理人提供帮助,这样我就可以应用所学的律师助理方面的知识于工作中。My experience has been supporting attorneys in the field of labor law, where I have been able to apply my paralegal education.

如果你是一个在法律领域的职业兴趣,一个律师助理的研究中南大学学位可能是一个不错的选择你。If you are interested in a career in the legal field, a Paralegal Studies degree from South University may be a good choice for you.

法律研究的中南大学计划让您有机会成为法律和准法律研究令人兴奋的领域的一部分。The Legal Studies programs at South University give you the opportunity to become part of the exciting field of legal and paralegal studies.

最近,玛兹娜也开始在找一份律师助理的工作,但她说,很难找到一家愿意迁就她接送孩子时间安排的公司。Mrs. Joegriner recently began looking for work as a paralegal. But finding an employer who can accommodate her schedule with the children, she says, has been difficult.

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大部分专职律师助手都有辅助律师业务的结业证书,但是,强化的认证课程也是可取的而且通常能够只用几个月就结束。Most paralegals have an associate degree in paralegal studies, however, intensive certification programs are also available and can often be completed in just a few months.

如果公司法律部门希望法务人员所组成的诉讼团队成为处理诉讼的主要力量,那就应该为每两个或三个法务人员配备一个法律助理。In a department where in-house litigators are truly expected to serve as lead counsel on their cases, there should be one paralegal for every two, or maybe three, in-house litigators.

在这起案件中,这位名叫托马斯·古奇的律师为被告——某汽车经销商提供辩护,他在法庭上提出动议,要求法官将原告律师的女助理从辩护席赶到旁听席上去。Attorney Thomas Gooch, who is representing a car dealership in the case, filed a motion asking the judge to order his opposing counsel's paralegal to sit in the gallery with other spectators.