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我的玩具熊也喜欢去。My teddy bear does,too!

泰迪熊是浪漫的。Teddy bears are romantic.

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意达说给泰迪熊听。Ida talked to her teddy bear.

哈哈,七只熊都是我的。Seven Teddy bears all for me!

七只泰迪熊,全都是我的!Seven teddy bears aii for me!

实际上,他去跟踪特迪。But in fact, he followed Teddy.

特迪是一名屠夫的儿子。Teddy was the son of a butcher.

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我的玩具熊也得到了一个不干胶标签。My teddy bear gets a sticker,too.

泰迪一是家族中的最后一位人物。Teddy was the last of the greats.

对不起,特迪?凯知道我的名字了?I'm sorry. Teddy K. knows my name?

拼图,娃娃,玩具熊。Jigsaws and dolls and teddy bears.

莎拉抱着泰迪熊紧密。Sarah held her teddy bear tightly.

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这父亲非常讨厌特迪。The father disliked Teddy very much.

玩具熊,玩具熊,上楼梯。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go up-stairs.

玩具熊,玩具熊,碰到地上。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go up-stairs.

泰迪熊是一种填充毛绒玩具熊。The Teddy Bear is a stuffed toy bear.

张飞?阿飞我也比不了哇!Zhang Fei?Teddy boy I also ratio not!

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玩具熊,玩具熊说晚安。Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Say Good-night.

泰迪熊,泰迪熊,把手举高。Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high.

他们把一只活的泰迪熊放在我的婴儿床上。They put a live teddy bear in my crib.