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暴君被打倒了。The tyrant was overthrown.

那暴君残暴无度。The tyrant rioted in cruelty.

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他用刀刺穿暴君。He ran a sword through the tyrant.

刘文财是个暴君般的地主。Liu Wencai was a tyrant of a landlord.

他残暴地对待他们He treats them like an absolute tyrant.

他在办公室里俨如一个专制暴君。He is a high-handed tyrant in his office.

真该死。那新老板可真够专制的。It sucked. The new boss is a real tyrant.

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我们不愿服从暴君的意志。We will not bend to the will of a tyrant.

人民称那国王为暴君。The people designated the King as a tyrant.

阿纳金与克雷恩对决,杀死了这位暴君。Anakin confronted Krayn and killed the tyrant.

瓦沦丁对暴君的虐行感到非常难过。Valentine tyrant of the line of child feel sad.

克雷塔斯说的是真的,我已经成了暴君。Then Cleitus spoke true. l have become a tyrant.

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因为即使是暴君也可能偶尔获得我的支持。For even a tyrant will occasionally rule in my favor.

老伯爵死于心脏病发作,终年六十五岁。The old tyrant was dead of a heart attack at sixty five.

“我宣占这邪恶的王座!”暴君班恩高呼。"I claim this throne of evil, " shouted Bane the tyrant.

这个世界会知道自由人民昂首对抗着暴君。The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant.

他们都举起义旗,反对暴君。They all raised the standard of revolt against the tyrant.

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“埃及自由了”,“狂欢者反复歌唱。"Egypt is free," the revelers chanted."The tyrant is gone.

“埃及自由了”,“狂欢者反复歌唱。"Egypt is free, " the revelers chanted. "The tyrant is gone.

随意诛杀百姓是暴君的行径。Killing the common people at will is the behavior of a tyrant.