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所有的工作都是免费的。All this work is gratis.

我们提供免费服务。We provide gratis service.

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除非特别注明,这些出版物都是免费的。Unless noted otherwise, these publications are gratis.

比方说,自由软件赢得消费者青睐,因为使用自由软件更省钱。For instance, free software obtained gratis can save the user money.

那你就指望着。我白送这些药给你啊哈?So I'm supposed to give you your father's prescription gratis , huh?

有时候,免费工作甚至会直接带来付薪的工作机会。Sometimes, gratis work can even lead directly to a paid opportunity.

此外,医疗单位也对患者的手术费进行了减免。Also, those medical units reduced or even rendered the operations gratis.

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赠与是指转让人将土地使用权无偿转移给受让人的行为。Donation means that the transferor transfers land use right gratis to the transferee.

她写这本书就是为了作者有权得到的那本免费样书。She had written it for the single gratis copy of the book that an author was entitled to.

如果你的两个免费仓库质量够好,你就能用你男人的汁液换钱了。If your two gratis deposits are high quality, you will start getting paid for your man juice.

免费配送蚊帐的措施,目前已在几个赤贫国家内成功施行。Gratis distribution of nets is already being applied successfully in several impoverished countries.

买家的旧物业成功放盘出售后,免费提供代办水、电等杂费的转名手续。Buyers or offer to sell the old property successful, gratis d'water, electric charges of transfer procedures.

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在免费基础上建立一种商业模式并非易事,尤其是当你的用户已经吃惯了免费大餐。But extracting a business model from free is not always easy, especially when your users have come to expect gratis.

公司担保行为因其无偿性一直受到适法性的挑战。Because guarantee is free gratis for nothing, Corporation Guarantee behavior is challenged by the legitimacy all along.

龙发公司每月将从咨询客户中抽取三名幸运客户,免费提供居室部分设计效果图。Long Corporation Advisory clients collected monthly from three lucky customers, gratis living part of the design results.

例如,假如您发布此类程序的副本,无论是免费或收取费用,您必须将您所享有的一切权利给予收受者。For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have.

许多知名动画,都是先有无偿薪的字幕组制作翻译后,才正式引进代理。Many well-known animation, is all to have a creation of sub-title translation of the gratis salary first after, just usher in the agency formally.

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特丽用户独享一年免费服务,五年主体售后保证、八年产品追踪维护承诺。TRENT users have the gratis service for one year, after-sales quality assurance for five years and the tracing maintenace of products for eight years.

因此,你应该自由地重新发布其拷贝,无论其是否改进,无论发布的是免费的还是付费的,无论向何人在何地。Thus, you should be free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications, either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone anywhere.

当斋表示,老中关系很好,老挝党、政府和人民衷心感谢中方长期以来提供的无偿援助。Douangchay said that Laos-China ties are developing very well and the Lao party, government and people sincerely thank for China’s aid gratis over the years.