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我头痛欲裂。I have a splitting headache.

我头痛得快要裂开似的。I have a splitting headache.

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前提就是人格不会分裂。Provided there's no splitting.

然后,我吃了松饼和鲜桃。I'm splitting the muffin with him.

我头痛得快裂开了!NO11, I have a splitting headache!

这次差不多平分秋色了So we're roughly splitting the room.

您可能会头疼欲裂。You might have a splitting headache.

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为什么你坚持要分开付款啊?Why do you insist on splitting bills?

这样,我们就必然能看到谱线的分裂了。And, sure enough, we see the splitting.

妈妈说她头痛欲裂。Mother said her headache was splitting.

分开大脑显示了。Splitting the brain shows how you could,.

他一整个上午都在劈柴。He spent the whole morning splitting wood.

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我有点冷得发抖,头疼的很厉害。I feel shivery and have a splitting headache.

他发现光谱线在磁场中分裂了。And he found line splitting in the magnetic field.

请注意,缺省情况下不进行文件拆分。Note that the default is to have no file splitting.

主要方法仍然是付立叶变换的方法。The main tool is also the Fourier splitting method.

压抑和分裂是内部的可变观念。Repression and Splitting are inter-changeable concepts.

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公司分立可以采取存续分立和解散分立两种形式。Splitting may take the forms of split-off and split-up.

如果说总统是在掩盖什么,那可能有点小题大作了。As presidential cover-ups go, it may be splitting hairs.

我也有严重的头痛-真的头痛欲裂。I also had severe head pains —a real splitting headache.