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杀死它!Kill it!

狮子我都杀过!I kill lion.

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箭杆插在它的前胸上,一记干净利落的击杀。A clean kill.

杀了这只猫!Kill the cat!

杀了那婊子!Kill the fucker!

去杀天主教徒吗?。To kill Papists?

杀了这害虫!Kill this vermin!

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那会要了我的小命的。It's gonna kill me.

一击必杀。One Shot, One Kill.

他们会杀害您的。They will kill you.

不可杀人。Thou shalt not kill.

你是来杀我的?。You here to kill me?

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我要宰掉那个王八蛋。I'll kill the fucker.

谁杀了知更鸟?Who kill Cobin Robin?

你为什么要杀了他们?Why did you kill them?

你想打死露塔?You want to kill Luda?

我会给你杀一只羊。I will kill you a goat.

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宰了这些美国猪!Kill the American pigs!

你是来^-^这儿杀我白勺吗?Are you here to kill me?

要先把病毒给杀了。At first kill the virus.