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有时可出现心前区不适。Sometimes there may be precordial discomfort.

胸前导联心房波无明显变化。Atrial wave in precordial leads had not any change.

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主治由心绞痛引起胸闷,刺痛心前区。On angina pectoris caused by chest tightness, tingling precordial.

自从患者入院后为了缓解胸部疼痛给予吗啡治疗。Since his admission, morphine was used for relieving precordial pain.

患者的胸痛获暂时缓解,数小时后又逐渐加重。His precordial pain was relieved temporarily and became worse several hours later.

结论胸前捶击不能终止本实验猪模型中的室颤。Conclusion Precordial thump could not terminate VF in the pig model of cardiac arrest.

目的探讨胸导联R波递增不良的临床意义。Objective To estimate clinical significance of poor R wave progression in precordial leads.

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方法两例心前区双期杂音的患者,经彩色多普勒超声心动图检查。Methods Take color doppler echocardiographical care of 2 cases who both have systolic and diastolic murmurs in precordial region auscultation.

目的探讨正常人右胸导联心电图男女T波形态差异规律及临床意义。Objective To explore difference of T wave shape in right precordial lead electrocardiogram between normal male and female and its clinical value.

结果采用此种新术式5例,无手术死亡病例,无二次成形或换瓣,心前区杂音全部消失。超声心动图示二尖瓣无返流、二尖瓣狭窄及左室流出道梗阻。Results In 5 patients with this new operative method, there was no operative death or second value replacement, and the precordial murmur blotted entirely out.

方法对急性荨麻疹伴有心前区不适、胸闷、心悸等症状患者,治疗前进行心电图检查,经治疗荨麻疹消退后复查心电图,直到恢复正常。Methods ecg was conducted before and aner treatment in the patients with acute urticaria accompanied by precordial discomfort tightness in the chest and palpitation.

结论正常人右胸导联心电图T波形态男女差异显著,应引起临床注意。Conclusion There is a significant difference in T wave shape in right precordial lead electrocardiogram between normal males and females . It should be noticed in clinically.

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结论急性下壁心肌梗死伴胸导联ST段改变者提示多支病变,伴胸导联ST段压低者多提示合并正后壁心肌梗死。Conclusion Patients in precordial ST segment depression with acute inferior myocardial infarction were more multi _ vessel lesions and more acute posterior myocardial infarction.

目的探讨急性下后壁心肌梗塞伴胸前广泛导联ST段压低对左心功能及短期临床预后的影响。Objective To investigate the effect of widespread precordial ST segment depression in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction on left cardiac function and short term prognosis.

睡眠不足影响人的正常生活、工作、学习和健康,并能加重或诱发心悸、胸痹、眩晕、头痛、中风等病证。Insufficient sleeping affects people's work, study and health. It can also induce many diseases such as palpitation, precordial pain with chest discomfort, dizziness, headache and apoplexy.