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兰德,在另一方面,则措辞相当精明。Rand, on the other hand, was rhetorically shrewd.

什么是生命?“他在介绍部分煞有介事地问。What is life?" he asks, rhetorically in the introduction.

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我很希望我能把它都念一遍,因为它非常地讲究修辞。I wish I could read the whole thing because it's rhetorically very powerful.

正当领袖在演讲中颇讲究修辞地问“你是谁?”At the point in the speech when the Leader rhetorically demands “Who are you?

在最近的几个周内,世界经济已经进入处于战时状态,至少言论上是这样。IN RECENT weeks the world economy has been on a war footing, at least rhetorically.

这是同一道菜――这是同一道烤奶酪三明治,只是用虚夸的方法说了一遍又一遍。It's the same dish — it's a grilled-cheese sandwich rhetorically over and over again.

然而,在梦想方面,乌克兰的政客们至少在口头上没有差别。Yet on vision, rhetorically at least, there is little difference between Ukrainian politicians.

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他用他著名的愚蠢关于妻子和仆人关系的问题执意修辞学和真心诚意。His famously asinine question about wives and servants was asked rhetorically and with utter sincerity.

读完艾肯鲍姆,那篇修辞古怪的文章后,没有人会注意不到他对斗争和挣扎的热衷。Nobody can possibly miss in reading Eikhenbaum's rhetorically rather bizarre essay his obsession with struggle, with the fight, and with doing battle.

你们知道我意思吗,他夸张的无精打采地,向弗兰尼走去,弗兰尼是他的忠实观众,他双臂撑在马提尼的两边。You know what I mean?" He was slouched rhetorically forward toward Franny, his receptive audience, a supporting forearm on either side of his martini.

尽管波兰水管工在欧洲各地可谓无处不在,但语言与文化上的明显差异使人们在欧洲境内移民远比在美国困难许多。And despite the rhetorically ubiquitous Polish plumber, migration in Europe is, for obvious cultural and linguistic reasons, far more difficult than in the U.S.

但中国一直是异己分子,一方面在言辞上支持货币一体化进程,另一方面却执行与该地区大经济体相左的经济政策。But China has been an anomaly, on the one hand rhetorically supporting these moves while on the other having economic policies out of step with the region’s big players.

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只是喊出“和平国际环境”的口号来搞经济而放任其他国家制造复杂的外家难题已经行不通了。Rhetorically promoting a "peaceful international environment" in which to grow their economy while free-riding on the tough diplomatic work of others is no longer enough.

第三部分重点分析六朝文学尚“丽”倾向产生的社会基础和理论基础。The third part analyzes emphatically the social and theoretical grounds of the emerging of the aesthetical trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the literature of the Six Dynasties.

每次推出新产品你都需要估算时间和预算以确保在产品推介和网站更新的时候,有说服力的译文会在每个市场上出现。You need to budget both time and money into every market launch to make sure that rhetorically effective translations show up for each market in time for product introductions and Web site refreshes.

一支由暗喻,转喻,拟人组成的机动部队,简单来说,人们之间的关系,诗意般地在修辞上加强了“,人们之间的关系不再值钱,而被贬低了“A mobile army of metaphors, metonymies, anthropomorphisms in short, a sum of human relations which became poetically and rhetorically intensified," "and are now no longer of account as coins but are debased."