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困境中总会记起上帝。People in trouble remember Allah.

真主在向他的仆民要求爱。Allah is asking love from His servants.

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真主是彻知你们的行为的。For Allah is well aware of all that ye do.

你们只应该信托真主,如果你们是信士的话。But on Allah put your trust if ye have faith.

真主是周知不信道的人们的。But Allah is ever round the rejecters of Faith!

这只船的航行和停舶都是奉真主之名的。In the Name of Allah will be its course and berthing.

古兰是由真主而来的神圣词汇。The words of the Qur'an are the divine words of Allah.

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真主使谁迷误,谁就没有向导。And those whom Allah leaves to stray, no one can guide.

万物非主,惟有真主,穆罕默德是安拉的使者。There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his me enger.

“真主可真保佑我们哪,”阿赫迈德虔诚地说道。"Truly Allah has blessed us, " Ahmed exclaimed piously.

祈求安拉帮助我们所有人坚定的站在正确的道路上,阿敏!May Allah help us all keep firm on the Right Path, amen!

万物非主,惟有真主,穆罕默德是安拉的青鸟使。There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his messenger.

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无论他们的愿望有多么强烈,他们只向安拉求索。No matter how great their desires, they ask them from Allah.

天地的幽玄只是真主的。To Allah belongeth the Mystery of the heavens and the earth.

仁慈的真主已答应可以再赦免米富雷村一次了。In his mercy, Allah had seen fit to spare Juffure once again.

祈求安拉保佑我们以最好的方式来服侍他,阿敏!May Allah bless us all to serve Him in the best manner, amen.

上百人聚集在开阔的空地上赞美“安拉”。They flocked to the open field by the hundreds to praise Allah.

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他呼喊我们走阿拉指引的正道,跟随他的人已经紧握住阿拉的绳索,永不断裂。Have held the rope of Allah so tight, that it would never break.

我想每个人都处于良好的健康状态的恩典全能真主。I guess everyone is in good health by the grace of almighty Allah.

也有一个通道将会展现,他们可以从那里看到自己在火狱的位置。They will definitely be able to help you about that insha'a Allah.