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自动截断固定长度的数据。Automatic truncation of fixed length data.

多个小数分隔符会导致截断。Multiple decimal separators result in truncation.

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这种削蚀现象是侵蚀沉积间断的证据。Such truncation is evidence of an erosional hiatus.

这可能会导致在位移时出现被截断的问题。This might lead to unexpected truncation while shifting.

哪有能在IE5下使用的屏幕截词源码下载?How can be used in IE5 screen truncation source download?

本方法可以有效地剔除由截断伪影而引入的虚假边缘。False edges due to truncation artifacts can be removed using this method.

在我们的示例中,跟踪文件比较小,因而不会被截掉一部分。In our example, the trace is small enough that truncation does not occur.

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在小数分隔符后面的分组分隔符会导致截断。A grouping separator that occurs after a decimal separator results in truncation.

舍弃误差则因在无穷级数中仅计算及有限项数而造成。Truncation error results from using only the first few terms of an infinite series.

讨论了有关截断误差的估计和某些稳定性问题。Estimates of truncation errors as well as some limited stability analyses are provided.

本文提出一种适合于含有截断伪影磁共振图像的边缘检测新算法。We propose a new edge detection algorithm suited to MR images with truncation artifact.

一个截断误差诱导阵发混沌的直接证据。A direct evidence for intermittency induced by truncation error is provided in the paper.

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在求解过程中,将有限差分法的截断误差进行了修正。The truncation errors in finite differential equation are corrected in solving the model.

将指定numer值以int形式返回,可能涉及舍入或取整。Returns the value of the specified number as an int. This may involve rounding or truncation.

集体态空间截断会导致粒子表示与空穴表示不等价。Collective state space truncation causes a difference between particle and hole representations.

不过,支票简缩系统是在银行之间运作的,是为加快支票清算程序而设计的。Well. Check truncation operates among banks and is designed to speed up check clearing procedures.

应该注意,列的字符容量不足会造成字符截断。It should be noted that an insufficient character size of a column will cause character truncation.

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本文提出了一种适合于含有截断伪影磁共振图像的边缘检测新算法。In this paper, we propose a new edge finding technology to fit to MR images with truncation artifact.

如果你当前没有图像效果那么将不会发生色调映射和发生强度截断。If you have no image effect present then no tone mapping will exist and intensity truncation will occur.

把模态截断所引起的模型不精确以及非线性部分均当作模型的未知部分。The nonlinear part and the imprecision part caused by mode truncation are taken as the unknown portion of the model.