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拉塔基尔的北部海岸也有了麻烦。There was also trouble in the northern coastal city of Latakia.

一个完全的英式风格切片配合有利健康的塞浦路斯拉他吉亚。A full English style flake with a healthy dose of Cyprian Latakia.

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这对小夫妇是在他们家人到叙利亚港口城市拉塔基亚度假时第一次相遇的。The young couple apparently first met while their families were vacationing in the port city of Latakia.

联合国称,他们对位于拉塔基亚的巴勒斯坦难民营遭遇炮击事件非常关注。The United Nations said it was gravely concerned at the shelling of a Palestinian refugee camp in Latakia.

在Assad总统讲话不久之后,反政府抗议者走上港口城市拉塔基亚的街头。Shortly after President Assad spoke, anti-government protesters took to the streets in the port city of Latakia.

在大马士革、德拉省、伊德利卜省、拉塔基亚市,示威民众与警方发生冲突,造成30多人死亡。In Damascus, de la province, Idlib province, Latakia City, demonstrators clashed with police, resulting in 30 deaths.

半岛电视台报道,人权组织表示,叙利亚骚乱城市拉塔基亚和代尔祖尔仍留有军队。Al-Jazeera reported, human rights groups said Syrian city of Latakia and riots still left the army on behalf of Erzu Er.

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软又甜,富含轻东方烟草和南卡罗来纳州烟草,不超过2040的拉塔吉亚。一款美好的中度混合物。Soft and sweet, rich in light Orientals and Carolina tobaccos, with somewhat less Latakia than 2040. A fine medium mixture.

此外,霍姆斯、巴尼亚斯、大马士革郊区以及北部港口拉塔基亚市等地都有人员被打死。In addition, Holmes, Banias, the outskirts of Damascus and the northern port city of Latakia and other places have been killed.

这是有很多香烟熏拉塔基亚和土耳其,只有足够的自然甜美成熟维吉尼亚的嗜好和平衡。It is stout with lots of smoked Latakia and fragrant Turkish, with just enough naturally sweet Matured Virginia for interest and balance.

传统的V草口味,带有一些些的L草,产生了复杂而且丰富的感受,并且带有一种朗姆酒的冲击感。中等强度。A traditional offering of Virginias, pressed with a small amount of Latakia for complexity and flavored with a dash of Rum. Medium to full in strength.

叙利亚港口城市拉塔基亚一位居民以目击者的身份描述了政府力量从海陆方面对民主积极分子发送的长达一天的进攻。A reside nt in the syrian port of latakia has given an eyewitness account of the day-long land and sea attack by government forces against democracy activists there.

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伊朗“哈尔克”号补给支援舰和“阿勒万德”号巡逻护卫舰2月22日通过苏伊士运河后,于24日抵达叙利亚北部拉塔基亚港。Iran "Kharg" No supply support ship and the "Al-million Delhi" patrol frigate through the Suez Canal on February 22 after arriving on the 24th port of Latakia in northern Syria.

由于叙利亚港口城市拉塔基亚已经遭受政府军的猛烈炮火袭击,成千上万的巴勒斯坦难民被迫逃离他们在叙利亚的难民营。Thousands of Palestinian refugees have been forced to flee from their camp in Syria, which has been hit by heavy fire from government forces bombarding the port city of Latakia.

多人丧生,军警在拉塔基亚和德拉持续同平民发生冲突,华盛顿会从应付突尼斯、开罗、麦纳玛以及的黎波里的经验中学到些什么呢?With scores killed, and soldiers continuing to clash with civilians in Latakia and Daraa, what lessons can Washington learn from how it handled Tunis, Cairo, Manama and Tripoli?

据目击者称,坦克部队与本周六开入拉塔基亚,并与本周日早晨,开始对举行反政府示威活动的地区进行持续轰炸。Troops in tanks rolled into Latakia on Saturday, and on Sunday morning they began a sustained bombardment of the areas where protests had been held, according to witnesses in the city.