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哪些食物雄性激素含量高?Which food androgen contents are high?

睾丸甾酮是一种雄性激素或雄性类固醇激素。Testosterone is an androgen or male steroid hormone.

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雄激素能加强异性幻想性兴奋的唤起。The androgen has if anything strengthened the autogynephilic arousal.

PCOS以雄激素过多与持续不排卵为主要特征。PCOS mainly characterizes androgen excess along with chronic anovulatory.

罕见的情况可用促性腺激素释放激素降低卵巢产生雄激素。Rarely, GnRH analogs may be needed to decrease ovarian androgen production.

另一个研究也显示,这些绿薄荷提取物可以降低老鼠的雄性激素水平。Other research had shown that these extracts reduced androgen levels in rats.

睾丸间质细胞是分泌雄激素的重要内分泌细胞。Leydig cell is an important endocrine cell and responsible for androgen production.

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目的综合分析铅对男性性激素分泌的影响。Objective To analyze the polysynthetic effect of lead on the secretion of androgen.

特地是青春期男女雄激素分泌过盛是形成“青春痘”的主要缘由。Adolescents specifically is the excessive androgen secretion is formed, acne, the main reason.

雄性素抑制免疫反应但会促进颌下线表皮生长因子合成的作用。雌性素则相反。Androgen inhibits the former and enhances the later, whereas estrogen has the opposite effect.

女性多毛症源于女性体内的雄性激素水平过高。The hair grows because they have abnormally high levels of the 'masculinising' androgen hormones.

蜡疗也一样有激惹和感染的危险,特别是在对雄激素敏感的地方。Waxing carries the same risks of irritation and infection, especially in androgen sensitive areas.

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而看不见的是,我得一种非常罕见的病,名为雄激素不敏感综合征,简称AIS。What isn't obvious is that I have a rare condition called androgen insensitivity syndrome, or AIS.

这是因为雄性染色体接收器,在秃头过程中关键的荷尔蒙,位于X染色体上。This is because androgen receptors, a key hormone in the process of balding, are on the X chromosome.

非常高的雄激素水平可导致男性型的秃顶,声音低沉和肌肉疙瘩。Very high androgen levels may cause male-like balding, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle mass.

术后10例出现不同程度的继发雄激素缺乏综合征,7例行雄激素替代疗法。Postoperatively, hypogonadism occurred in 10 patients, and 7 of them received androgen replacement therapy.

一项研究描述两种混合型麝香,佳乐麝香,吐纳麝香就能对雌性激素和雄性激素进行干扰。The study describes two synthetic musks, galaxolide and tonalide, as interfering with estrogen and androgen.

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性腺外雄激素的生物合成可能促进去势治疗失败的前列腺癌的进展。Biosynthesis of extragonadal androgen may contribute to the progression of castration-resistant prostate cancer.

没有CAH的人比起其在子宫时期外在显露出有更多的雄性激素。People with CAH are exposed to more androgen -- a type of male sex hormone -- than is normal while in the uterus.

目的评估小剂量雄激素治疗男性少弱精子症的有效性和安全性。Objective To investigate the effect of a small quantity of androgen for the treatment of oligo- asthenospermatism.