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但所有人都变成了得过且过的宿命论者。But all had a sense of fatalism.

宿命论是纳齐恩斯基的唯一寄托。Fatalism was Nadiensky's only refuge.

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宿命论是那些缺乏意志力的弱者的借口。Fatalism is an excuse of the weak-willed.

他是因果与宿命的二元论者。He was a believer in dualism for both fatalism and causality.

就这一点说,刘力国的作品最终表达的是一种宿命。On this point, Liu Liguo's work expresses a kind of fatalism.

或许是因为宿命论悄然涌上心头并在您毫无察觉的情况下影响了您。Maybe it was because fatalism crept up and attacked in the dark.

知识是对抗恐惧、绝望和宿命论的最有利武器。The best thing to combat fear, despair, and fatalism is knowledge.

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非命,是一种对命定论采取的否定态度。The theory of Anti-Fatalism is a negative attitude toward fatalism.

漂泊与宿命在王安忆的文本世界和心灵世界中扭结纠缠在一起。Roaming and fatalism tangle up in Wang Anyi's world of text and mind.

我感觉到其中掺杂着宿命情绪和乐观情绪,但与我的想法背道而驰。I sensed an odd mix of fatalism and optimism, which both run counter to my own views.

可怕场景的对比,不禁让人联想到宿命论所描述的——这是“上帝的杰作”。Gruesome comparisons are inevitable, as is the fatalism that follows such “acts of God.

可怕场景的对比,不禁让人联想到宿命论所描述的——这是“上帝的杰作”。Gruesome comparisons are inevitable, as is the fatalism that follows such "acts of God."

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可以很容易地发现,海丝特的思想是完全无效的宗教气氛和宿命论。It's easy to find that Hester's thought is full of religious mistrial atmosphere and fatalism.

作者着意写出这种个人与社会的矛盾,表现出宿命论的色彩。YAN Zhen aimed to point out this contradiction between person and society, in which express his fatalism.

这种自我实现的宿命论是对海地的最大威胁,是和魔鬼的真正协议!That kind of self-fulfilling fatalism may be the biggest threat of all to Haiti, the real pact with the devil.

由此突破了“一切历史都是当代史”的史学宿命。This writing technique transcends the concept of the fatalism of historiography that "all history is a contemporary one".

现代社会信仰的丧失、本人的不治之症以及巨大的社会动荡对弗兰娜丽·奥康纳宗教宿命论的形成有着重大影响。The loss of faith in the modern world, her fatal disease and tremendous social changes result in O'Connor's religious fatalism.

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可能论认识到人的能动性在环境提供的可能性中的自由选择,从而也就走到了决定论宿命观的反面。Possibilists forsake determinist fatalism by being very aware of man's activity and free choice before environmental possibilities.

他彬彬有礼,腼腆害羞,从爱尔兰籍的母亲那儿获得良好的家教训练,从天主教热诚的信仰这儿加强逆来顺受的宿命观。He was well-mannered and rather shy, schooled in respect by his Irish mother and reinforced in fatalism by his fervent Catholic faith.

马克思主义的历史决定论长期以来一直被人们歪曲为非科学的宿命论或是机械的经济决定论而横遭批判。For a long time Marxist historical determinism has unreasonably been distorted as unscientific fatalism and mechanical economic determinism.