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我如何能加速数据传输到CPU从存储器?How can I speedup data transfer from memory to CPU?

不要让我知道如果您使用任何其他的调整,以加速您的博客。Do let me know if you use any other tweaks to speedup your blog.

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为什么没有显著的加速使用还原剂在这个例子吗?。Why is there no significant speedup using reducers in this example?

这种加速演算法是第二个主要的量子演算法。The algorithm that produces the speedup is the second major quantum algorithm.

几次运行中的加速效果比较一致,但是效果都不显著。The speedup was consistent across several runs, but fairly insignificant either way.

即使在小型文件系统上,该操作也会产生一个大约加速两万倍的加速因子。This produced a factor of roughly twenty thousand speedup even on small file systems.

要注意的一件事,是下载内容的大小就是决定加速的主要因素。One thing to note is that the size of the download is the major factor in the speedup.

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对水布垭地下厂房进行了三维有限元并行模拟,得到了较好的加速比。A 3D FE underground power houses model is simulated, and good speedup ratio is obtained.

而主节点参与计算,会导致负载不平衡,降低高性能计算机集群的加速性能。But the main nodes involved the solution of loading and slows the speedup performance of HPCC.

通过促进负载均衡,在计算时CBCB法比RCB法体现出了更好的加速比和并行效率。Through promoting load balance, CBCB exhibits the better speedup and parallel efficiency than RCB.

不应通过这样一个简单的比较就得出结论,但是这种加速可能是典型的。You shouldn't put too much weight on such a simple comparison, but the speedup is probably typical.

为加速数值解收敛,采用了本地时间步长和多重网格技术。To speedup the solution convergence, local time stepping and multi-grid acceleration techniques were used.

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整体的加速效果取决于整体查询工作中可平行化的百分比。The overall amount of speedup depends on what percentage of the overall work of the query is parallelizable.

障中的增速区是引起沙障中部不积沙或少积沙的诱因。And the wind speedup region of middle barriers provided occasion for no or less deposited sand in barriers middle.

通过对实验数据的分析,对子任务规模和并行计算的加速比进行了研究。Based on foe analysis of the results, the size of subtask and the speedup of the parallel computing are discussed.

至于速度的提升,是过去几年努力成果的一个总和,并且已经经过了反复的试验。The speedup has been an aggregation of our work in the past few years, and has been accomplished mostly by trial-and-error.

这是因为启用平行化执行带来的负荷高于所获得的加速效益。This is because the overhead involved in enabling parallelizing execution is more expensive than the speedup that is obtained.

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因此,至少在因数分解的情况,比起已知的古典演算法,量子方法的确做到了指数的加速。So at least for factoring , one really can get an exponential speedup over known classical algorithms by using quantum methods.

本文通过对气缸径向恒力加载的试验结果,来探讨加速气缸寿命实验的可行性。Discuss the practicability of speedup life test of cylinder by the result of identical load test in radial direction of cylinder.

假定某个操作可并行化,则它的计算开销越高,加速的可能性就越大。Assuming that an operation can be parallelized, the more computationally expensive it is, the greater the opportunity for speedup.