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但就我们的目标而言,它与我们讨论的话题并不相关But for our purposes, I think it's not a contender.

报纸公认他是主要竞争者。The press established him as the leading contender.

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利斯顿会把这名年轻的对手“打得落花流水”。Liston would"Wipe the floor"with the young contender.

该队是今年不可轻视的夺标竞争对手。The team is a serious contender for the title this year.

马萨现在不再是法拉利的二号车手,而是一名强有力的竞争者。No more the Ferrari number two, Massa is now a contender.

这一举动将使得他们成为西部冠军的强敌。This move makes them an instant title contender in the West.

他可能是唯一的竞争者在排行榜冠军歌曲的好评。And he may be the only contender praised in a chart-topping song.

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在国际米兰,他看到了这位年轻球员的出众才华。At Internazionale he saw the wonderful gifts of the young contender.

乍一听,这绝对可以归为“坏”消息一类去。That certainly sounds like a strong contender for the bad-news slot.

与昆斯区接壤的贝尔蒙赛道是著重考虑的选址。The Belmont Racetrack, on the border with Queens, is one hot contender.

我认为对这论据最好的解释。This strikes me as the most plausible contender for an argument like this.

没有一个能说会道的总统职位竞争者在制定外交政策方面有丰富的经验。No plausible contender for the presidency has much foreign-policy experience.

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呜呼,49岁的瓦尔斯先生被认为年纪太轻,不值得被当成一位严肃的竞争者。Alas, the 49-year-old Mr Valls is considered too young to be a serious contender.

最可能下手的人是默多克,但是他正忙着解决自己的麻烦。The most likely contender is Murdoch, but he is preoccupied with his own troubles.

如果从缓慢和稳定的角度来看,心肌将毫无疑问是这个称号的有力争夺者。If slow and steady wins the race, the heart is certainly a contender for the title.

我是快乐是一个竞争者的队一部份而且期望延长加赛。I'm happy to be a part of a team that's a contender and looking forward to playoffs.

但是对于我们的目的,我认为他是无关的,所以我将会将其放置一旁。But for our purposes, I think it's not a contender. So I'm just going to put it aside.

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在比赛前,冰岛队从未被视为欧洲杯的有力竞争者。Before the tournament, Iceland was not seen as a contender for the European championship.

这款清酒口味的奇巧可以说能在日本找到的奇巧口味里是最怪的。Of all the odd Kit Kat flavors you can find in Japan this is a contender for the weirdest.

由于奥巴马的大女儿、10岁的玛丽亚是过敏体质,所以这种卷毛的葡萄牙水犬一直是个有力的竞争者。The shaggy breed was always a strong contender as Malia Obama, 10, suffers from allergies.