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我不能否认这一点。I cannae deny it.

受试者会否定自己的行为And people would deny it.

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他没有否认这些事实。He didn't deny the facts.

肃恭否认杀了阿财。O ready and deny the kill.

你应该承认还是否认?Should you fess up or deny?

玛格利特我不认为这是疯狂的。Margaret I deny it's madness.

别人找我帮忙时我无法拒绝I cannot deny to others my help

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金钱万能,这点我不想否认。That money talks, I'll not deny.

毕竟也没什么好否认的。After all, what is there to deny?

你们掌中的权力我无法相抗。I cannot deny the power you have.

我们否定我们的渴望和梦想。We deny our desires and fantasies.

无神论者不相信上帝的存在。Atheists deny the existence of God.

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我那全给你的心,无法否认。I did give you my heart can't deny.

我们必须拒绝让基地组织拥有安全港。We must deny al Qaeda a safe-haven.

否决否认以及否定。I deny , disaffirm ang disavow that.

不过老赵一家否认了这些指控。Mr and Mrs Cho deny the allegations.

别忽略你的直觉,召唤师。Do not deny your instincts, summoner.

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我否认所有与此有关的传闻。I want to deny any rumours about that.

我们又见识了一次,没人可以否认这点。We saw it again and nobody can deny it.

你能否认她的声明的真实性吗?Can you deny the truth of her statement?