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阿森纽斯仿佛在驾驶阿波罗一号。Arsenius drove like he was piloting Apollo One.

飞机不会批驳你的驾驶技能。Airplanes don't comment on your piloting skills.

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这项运动是将风筝放飞到空中,同时随着风控制手中的线板。Piloting a kite in the sky while steering a board on the crest of a wave.

地铁购物中心的集聚效应,引导着消费空间的生活化。The aggregating effect of metro malls is piloting life-wise consumers space.

小时候,帕什便表现出杰出的飞行技巧,13岁即可单独飞行。At a young age, Pash showed exceptional piloting skills, flying solo by the age of 13.

为了提高自己,磨炼飞行技术,汉加入了帝国军校。Solo eventually joined the Imperial Academy, to better himself and his piloting skills.

他们最近还在实施另两个旨在让家庭走向户外的项目。They are currently in the process of piloting two programs aimed at getting families outdoors.

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除了绝地训练外,阿纳金也在科洛桑的正式训练中磨炼了自己的飞行技术。Aside from Jedi training, Anakin honed his piloting skills through formal training on Coruscant.

类似于美国杯,空气策略和飞行技巧在Bennett杯比赛中起重要作用。Like the America's Cup, a weather strategy and piloting skills play a major role in the Bennett Cup.

他超群的战斗机驾驶技术和领导才能引领着克隆人飞行员击败了敌军。His exceptional starfighter piloting skills and leadership led clone pilots to defeat the enemy forces.

波兰这样的新加入欧盟的民主派,也计划着限制移民的数量。Young east European democracies such as Poland are piloting schemes to restrict the numbers of incomers.

叮当猫公司的山本后藤说,多数顾客都是幻想驾驭自己的英雄机器人的男性。Most customers, says Yamato Goto of Robot Okoku, are men who had fantasies of piloting their hero robots.

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第三只斯奇姆兽转过身来开火,穿梭艇急速上升飞过,雷的规避操纵让敌人没能得逞。As the shuttle zoomed past, the third Scrim turned to fire at it, but Rem 's evasive piloting frustrated it.

华盛顿特区更是试验手机支付和“基于绩效”的咪表停车系统。Washington, D. C. , notably, has been piloting pay-by-phone and "performance-based" metered parking systems.

一天,在我驾驶轰炸机飞越战火纷飞的欧洲上空时,我突然开始相信人的不朽。One day while piloting a bomber through the war skies of Europe, I came to believe in the immortality of man.

思想的前100年人类试点地政飞行机上荒唐的想法,月球是一个100年前绘制。The thought of human beings piloting a flying machine that lands on the moon was an absurd idea 100 years ago.

因此我们为大量的潜在观众提供了一种理想的电视剧试播新方式。Couple that with the sheer size of the potential audience and it provides an ideal testing ground for TV piloting.

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而要创新高校思想政治教育,首先要从理念创新入手,因为理念创新具有先导性、基础性。The innovation of thought and politics education starts from the idea innovation because it is piloting and basic.

今年的莫斯科政府引进了一个方案,这项计划旨在使残疾学生融入主流学校就读。This year officials in Moscow are piloting a scheme aimed at integrating disabled students into mainstream schools.

和你的副驾驶R2D2一起,你将会驾驶你的X翼战机赢取对抗大众汽车和死星的胜利。Together with your co-pilot, R2D2, you’ll be piloting your X-Wing to victory against Volkswagen and the Death Star.