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马克思主义辩证法是未来学的方法论。Marxist's dialectics is the methodology of the futurology.

文章最后简要说明了未来学在预算控制中的运用。Finally, this paper explains the application of futurology in the budgeting control.

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钟政勋先生问「未来学」领域有哪些著名的应用实例?Chung Cheng-hsin asked about the famous practical examples in the area of futurology.

第一部分首先介绍了预算管理与未来学的关系。First chapter introduces the relationship between budgeting management and futurology.

未来学研究的30年法则也说明技术的发展是渐进的过程。The 30 years principle of the futurology also shows the technology advances gradually.

大多数实践者反对“新科学”的这一想法,甚至对未来学这个词吹毛求疵。Most practitioners reject the idea of a "new science" and cavil even at the word futurology.

也许这些「变化」,根本不可能发生,这就是用未来学学理原则和基础来探讨ECFA的意义吧!These changes may not occur, it is still significant to utilize the principles and foundations of Futurology to study the issue.

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计算机未来学是关于计算机科学、技术及其产品的未来发展趋势的学科。Computer futurology is a science dealing with the tendency of development of the computer science, technology and products in the future.

第二部分把预算管理作为未来学的一个研究对象,分析了预算管理的过去、现在和未来。Second chapter analyzes the past, present and future of budgeting management by considering budgeting management as a research subject of futurology.

针对本文研究的结论进行总结,并提出了对策建议和对未来研究的展望。The conclusion which studies in view of this article carries on the summary, and put forward the countermeasure proposal and to the futurology forecast.

未来学诞生于20世纪上半叶,但它于20世纪70-80年代的欧美风行过后,至今在理论上显得异常沉寂。Futurology arose in the first half of 20th century. So far, theoretical researches about futurology have been unusually still after it had prevailed in the Occident of the 1970s-1980s.

第三部分从未来学角度出发,阐述了基于未来学的预算编制体系,主要提出了以核心预算指标为起点的预算编制模式及相应的预算编制流程。Third chapter describes the budgeting plan system based on futurology . the core budgeting targets are considered as the start of budgeting plan model and related budgeting plan process.

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第一,未来学研究范围广泛,横跨自然科学、社会科学和应用科学广大领域,预算管理作为管理科学的内容,同样可以成为未来学的研究对象。First , futurology correlates with natural science , social science and applied science . budgeting management , as a part of management science , is also the research object of futurology.