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你把这个词拼错了。You have spelt this word wrong.

这在最新的五年计划里都正式阐明了。That's officially spelt out in the latest five-year plan.

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下面的子节中详细阐述了这一要求。Details of this requirement are spelt out in the following sub-section.

莫丽拒绝学习任何东西,除了用来拼写她名字的五个字母。Mollie refused to learn any but the five letters which spelt her own name.

自周四起,大雨已为广西北更乡县带来了灾难。Since Thursday, heavy rains have spelt disaster for Beigengxiang county in Guangxi.

我们只稍稍改动了下,因为Ramstein其实少拼了一个‘m’。We just changed the spelling slightly because Ramstein is actually spelt with one "m".

沦陷对很多人来说意味着厄运和绝望,但于另一些人,它却蕴含着可乘之机。The occupation spelt doom and despair to many, but for some it spawned new opportunities.

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到目前为止一切顺利,交流已经建立起来,人们开始问问题,我呢把答案拼写出来。Communication established. Then people began asking questions and I spelt out the answers.

为实现这一目标,克拉克阐述了七个方面的策略,在利亚的经营策略上增加了两项。To that end, Clarke spelt out a seven-part strategy, adding two items to Leahy's original plan.

竖着、横着、斜着看可以发现这些单词,也可以向后和向前拼读。Words may be found vertically, horizontally or diagonally , as well as spelt backwards or forwards.

在开始做之前,我用在平底锅里放了一些新鲜柠檬皮。I also zested the pan with fresh lemon rind before filling with batter. Spelt flour in place of all-purpose.

有些情况下这种原因却被解释为,‘只不过是名字被毁坏了,被某人毁坏了而已。’In a few cases the reason for this is spelt out, ‘Just as this name is destroyed, let so-and-so be destroyed.

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在书中,美国的加利福尼亚州的拼写有两个“L”,被描述为是“西印度群岛上的一个大国家。The US state of Callifornia was spelt with two ‘L’s’ and is described as ‘a large country of the West Indies.

但是想象这类事情正在发生,和明明白白地知道这类事情确实在发生完全是两码事。Yet imagining that such things go on and having them spelt out in black and white are quite different things.

面粉是一回事,友谊是另一回事。这两个词拼法不一样,意思更不相同了。Flour is one thing, and friendship is another. The words are spelt differently and they mean quite different things.

纳斯卡文化在公元前300年和公元800年间繁荣于现在秘鲁南部海岸的干旱河谷。The Nazca – also spelt Nasca – thrived in arid valleys of what is now the southern coast of Peru between 300BC and AD800.

与符号和图形不同,文字商标旨在清晰的拼写名称以便容易识别。Unlike symbols and icons, text-based logos are effective in the sense that the name is clearly spelt out for easier recognition.

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你们应说服它们协调一致地开展工作,在国家主导下、并根据国家的明确指示开展活动。You persuade them to work in harmony, reading from the same script, which is explicitly spelt out by the country and owned by the country.

像大麻、苋菜、稷、奎奴亚藜、斯佩耳特小麦这样的植物很多商场里都有,提供了很多对心脏有好处的谷物。Products like hemp, amaranth, millet, quinoa, and spelt are found in most markets and provide a lot of variety for these heart-healthy grains.

每一词都要拼写准确,不能有任何语法和标点错误,原则上全部论据应当合理。Every word must be spelt properly, all grammar and punctuation must be correct, and all facts should, in principle, be checked — within reason.