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她被所有这些问题难住了。She was bemused by all the questions.

他们是些茫然移动着的削瘦的、生病的年轻美国士兵。They were thin, young, sick American soldiers moving bemused.

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杜福延曾经有过这样一段最困惑的岁月。Du Fuyan once had had a paragraph of such the most bemused years.

也许这能解释蒙娜丽莎那令人困惑的微笑,她对已发生的一切了若指掌。Perhaps this explains Mona Lisa’s bemused smile. She knew what was coming.

读者们对于该篇文章的回应,则从困惑不解到感到愤怒。Responses to the article have ranged from the bemused through the outraged.

当地的希腊人立刻变得困惑,有疑心但心里暗地发出感激。The local Hellenes are at once bemused , suspicious and surreptitiously grateful.

川普似乎对他与蔡英文的电话交谈导致的反应感到困惑。Trump seemed bemused by the reaction to the call, saying on his Twitter account, "Interesting how the U."

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此情此景着实让猫咪菲利克斯对老鼠的举动有点摸不着头脑,这可是它万万没有想到的,太意外了。Felix the cat appears a bit bemused by the mouse's reaction, which is not quite the response he had expected.

“汽车裙”的图片已经在中国传疯了,评论家们对如何解决鼠患也感到很茫然。Pictures of the "skirts" have gone viral in China, with commentators bemused by the solution to the rat problem.

家长和困惑的孩子们一起尖叫和笑著拍著手鼓掌,作为例行表演仪式天天上演。Parents clap and shriek with laughter while children look on with bemused grins as the daily ritual is performed.

很久以后,她把这件痛心的往事讲给朋友听,仍然不明白为什么他会忽然离去。After a long time, she told the doleful story to her friend and said she felt bemused why he would leave suddenly.

“1972年12月12日。”满脸困惑的约翰,戴维斯说道,金闭上了厚眼睛片后的那双眼睛,咧嘴而笑。December 12, 1972, "says bemused John Davis, as Kim crinkles up his eyes behind thick glasses and cracks a gleeful grin."

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之后,他登上了一列火车坐到终点站,下车后,他脱下自己的衣服扔在地上,完全不管周边的围观者。He then boarded a train to the terminal, stripping off his tie and discarding it to the astonishment of bemused onlookers.

不管意大利人对希尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼的倒台有多开心,他们都为接管的形式和速度感到困惑。Italians are bemused at the speed and nature of the "takeover", however much they delight in the fall of Silvio Berlusconi.

两年后,约翰斯顿以相似的方式被希代古提戏耍,英格兰也在温布利被匈牙利以6-3横扫。Two years later, Johnston found himself similarly bemused by Nandor Hidegkuti, as England were beaten 6-3 by Hungary at Wembley.

在梦里,我站在视听室的讲台上,面对一张张无所适从的脸,千篇一律的困惑表情。In dreaming, I was standing on the platform of the audiovisual studio, facing one and other bemused faces, same confused expression.

风尘仆仆从广州赶到东莞报名的小孙很困惑,他是广东商学院一名学生。Travel-stained the Xiaosun that hurries to Dongguan to sign up from Guangzhou is very bemused , he is Guangdong business school a student.

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似乎从想像力开始健全的那刻起,关于智能家居的理想,就已经既开始令我们着迷,又让我们感到困惑了。Seem to begin quarter cases from fancy, what live in about intelligence is ideal, had begun to make us infatuate already, let us feel bemused again.

让恩乔感到困惑的是,姻雨有着和他梦境中的女子非常相似的外表,一切似乎都在预示着什么。Rangenqiao feels bemused is, marriage rain has the woman in move and his dream's very similar appearance, everything is in it seems that adumbrative what.

她那迷茫的目光落在一辆绿色的吉利熊猫车上,在满地碎玻璃和烧焦的钢铁躯壳中,这辆车不知何故幸存下来,只有挡风玻璃被砸碎。Her bemused gaze falls on a green Geely Panda which was somehow left intact but for a smashed windscreen among the shattered glass and charred steel frames.