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在人种学研究中,匿名信是伪造的吗?。Is Anonymity an Artifact in Ethnographic Research?

学习俄国民族志,洋货挡在大门口。Ethnographic study in Russia, foreign goods blocked at the gate.

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幸运的是,他大体完成了收集民族志材料的工作。Fortunately, he had largely completed assembling the ethnographic material.

这是一份以人类学的方式,描绘在麻醉医疗中的文件使用现象的研究。This report describes an ethnographic study of document use by anaesthetists.

人种学现场研究,焦点小组,日记研究,调查问卷,数据发掘和分析Ethnographic field studies, focus groups, diary studies, surveys, data mining or analytics

人种学调查借用了这种研究类型的精髓,并将其应用在一个微观的层次。Ethnographic interviews take the spirit of this type of research and apply it on a micro level.

我们认为,任务分析应当同人种学用户访谈结合使用。We've found that this type of inquiry should be incorporated into ethnographic user interviews.

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另一组人种学研究人员研究了非洲乌干达的人们是如何使用手机的。Another team of ethnographic researchers looked at how cell phones were used in Uganda, in Africa.

在罗斯诺夫-泊得-拉德郝斯坦,用木雕面具装饰着的蜂箱排成一线,成了一个露天的人种学博物馆。Beehives decorated with carved masks line an open-air ethnographic museum in Roznov pod Radhostem.

很多人种学实地研究致力于此,但是依旧总是出现一些观测偏差。Many ethnographic field studies attempt to do this, though there are always some observation biases.

所检视的题材举凡流行音乐,广告,种族主义电影及新闻报导等。Materials examined include pop music, advertisements, ethnographic films, and journalistic accounts.

视觉文化的民族志研究,主要问题之一是如何定义文化的他异性。One of the main issues in ethnographic studies of visual culture is how to define cultural alterity.

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此分析是基于工作间里,译者的民族志学观察而得的。Our analysis is based on data collected from ethnographic observation of translators in the workplace.

进行人种学研究后,你的答案是什么?将您的文件有什么想说的吗?After conducting your Ethnographic research, what is your answer? What will your paper be trying to say?

本课程引介民族志田野调查之技术、理论及争论。This course introduces students to the techniques, theories, and debates concerning ethnographic fieldwork.

这种假设颇有问题,因为你总能在民族志里找到性别角色颠倒的例子。The trouble with such assumptions is that one can always find ethnographic examples in which the roles are reversed.

18世纪后半叶,大部分乌克兰领土都被沙皇俄国吞并。During the latter part of the 18th century, most Ukrainian ethnographic territory was absorbed by the Russian Empire.

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他进行了阿穆尔河的田野调查和萨哈林海岛办事处作为杰塞普北太平洋探险的一部分。He carried out ethnographic fieldwork on the Amur River and Sakhalin Island as part of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition.

对于全世界1200多种语言种群的详细人种描述是他们基本的信息来源。Their primary source of information was a detailed ethnographic description of over 1,200 language groups across the world.

它的资料涵盖母系与父系双行的摩梭社会,以及父系摩梭家庭的民族志内容。It covers data on both matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo society, and ethnographic information on patrilineal Mosuo families.