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你解决偶然的因素。You cannot resolve causality.

天理因果是最高的法律。Causality is the ultimate law.

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我把这称为横向因果关系。I call this lateral or horizontal causality.

卡尔纳普试图从语义学角度来定义因果必然性。Carnap tried to define causality from the angle of semantics.

他是因果与宿命的二元论者。He was a believer in dualism for both fatalism and causality.

我们创造的世界亦脱不开内在因缘。The worlds we create obey their own internal rules of causality.

这是原因与结果的法则或是因果关系的学说。This is the law of cause and effect or the science of causality.

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欧氏量子重力并没有预先置入因果律。Euclidean quantum gravity does not build in a notion of causality.

如果B真的因为某些事情而发生了,而A又在之前发生,所以他们刻意安排这种因果关系。B has to be caused by something and A happened first, so they assign causality.

现代租赁与经济发达是互为因果的。The relationship of modern lease and economy flourish reflects mutual causality.

在自然生态领域,控制的轨迹也呈发散状溶入因果关系的界域。The lines of control in natural ecologies also dissolve into a causality horizon.

因果句群又是因果类句群中具有代表性的一类句群。Causality Sentences is the representative type of the Sentences that states causality.

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因此,没有任何遵循因果律的物理程序可以解释宇宙结构的起源。Therefore, no physical process that obeys causality can explain the structure's origin.

知识服务与图书馆的发展是互相促进、互相制约的因果关系。There is some two way causality between knowledge service and the development of libraries.

对方受到的损害与违反先合同义务的行为之间存在因果关系。There is causality between the violating pre-contract obligation and the other party's lost.

对普适信源的因果度,也得出了估计公式。And we obtain the estimating formula of degree of causality for universal information source.

因此,本文专题分析现代汉语的因果句群。For this reason, this dissertation specially studies the Causality Sentences in modern Chinese.

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而蜥蜴-镜子系统展示的是一种完全不同的逻辑——一种网状的因果循环。The lizard-glass demonstrates an entirely different logic -- the circular causality of the Net.

胡迪故事在因果报应的框架下,蕴涵了强烈的道德评判。Though this story tells us causality and retribution, it contains the intensive moral judgement.

讨论不确定离散广义系统的因果性鲁棒控制问题。The solvability problem of robust non causality elimination is discussed by using feedback control.