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一个人被斩首后仍然能有15-20秒的清醒意识。A human head stays consciousfor 15-20 seconds after decapitation.

这导致贾巴的犯罪组织群龙无首。This precipitated the decapitation of Jabba's criminal organization.

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这太荒唐了!这野兽每被斩首一次都会变得更加危险。This is ludicrous! The beast becomes more deadly with each decapitation.

在烟叶生产中,烟株打顶之后腋芽会迅速发生。Axillary bud will grow quickly after decapitation during tobacco leaf production.

选民的嗜血心态远远未得到满足,议长的撤换只是进一步刺激了这一渴望。Far from satiating voters' thirst for blood, the speaker's decapitation may have whetted it.

他用各种方法杀害他们,包括肢解、砍头和剖腹。He would kill them with a variety of methods, which included dismemberment, decapitation and disembowelment.

这名少女在被捕那天正满16岁,她承认自己将Matsuo的身体肢解,包括切下了她的左手。The teen, who turned 16 the day of her arrest, admittedto dismembering the body, including decapitation and severing her left hand.

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真实的萨拉丁,根据他的传记作家,满心欢喜的看着几百个基督徒被斩首,这是发生在1187年的事。The real Saladin was, according to his biographer, filled with joy as he watched the decapitation of hundreds of Christians in 1187.

该文探讨了打顶初期2周内打顶和植物生长调节剂对烤烟生长、内源激素和氮钾累积的影响。Effects of decapitation and plant growth regulator on plant growth, endogenous hormones and N, K accumulation were examined within 2 weeks.

而由鞭炮和烟火造成的工伤大多是烧伤和割伤,但这个演示提醒我们,可以用其他的方式来结束夜晚。Most of the injuries from firecrackers and sparklers are burns and cuts, but the decapitation demonstration is a reminder that the night can end in other ways.

目的通过CHX抗栓注射液对小鼠断头存活时间和常压耐缺氧能力的影响,观察该药对小鼠脑组织急性缺氧的保护作用。ObjectiveTo observe the protection effects of CHX anthrombic injection on mouse cerebral anoxia by decapitation survival time and normal pressure anoxia tolerance.

没有头的蟑螂或许令人毛骨悚然,但科学家利用肢解的蟑螂身体及头部进行过很多实验,以探讨一些严肃的议题。Cockroach decapitation may seem macabre, but scientists have conducted many experiments with headless roach bodies and bodiless roach heads to answer serious questions.

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这些新发现的钞票上还注有对造假者的可怕警告,他们将被斩首。并对任何提供罪犯线索的人大奖励。The newfound banknote also includes a dire warning to counterfeiters that they will be punished with decapitation and offers a large reward to anyone who informs on such criminals.

我们在此报告两例发生于脸部的顶浆腺瘤,两例皆有型的管状构造与去顶式分泌表现,但其中一例有明显的发炎浸润。We present two cases of tubular apocrine adenomas on the faces and both of them have typical tubular structures and decapitation but one of them has prominent inflammatory cells infiltrate.

瑞典非人类基因技术道德委员会在一份有关“植物尊严”的报告中谴责,毫无理由乱摘花朵也是一种罪恶。In a report on "the dignity of the creature in the plant world," the federal Ethics Committee on non-human Gene Technology condemned the decapitation of flowers without reason, among other sins.

在英国内战中,叛乱武装之所以最后能致使英格兰君主查尔斯一世,在1649年被处以斩首,从文化层面上说,很大程度上是弥尔顿的功劳。Milton in fact was largely responsible in a cultural sense for the fact that the armed rebellion of England's civil war, what we think of as the Puritan Revolution, actually led to the execution by decapitation of England's monarch Charles the First in 1649.