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他对工作从不挑三拣四。He is never choosy about his job.

不要养成挑三拣四的习惯。Don't form a habit of being choosy.

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挑剔的妈妈,专为孩子挑“吉福”。Choosy mothers choose Jif for their kids.

处女座对爱人十分挑剔。Virgos are very choosy about their lover.

饥不择食。A hungry person is not choosy about his food.

我……没有什么朋友,我很挑剔。I'm choosy about my friends. Don't have a great many.

在事业方面,瑟曼称自己一直很挑剔,但又一直很幸运。"I'm very choosy about everything I do -- and also very lucky," she said.

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而且雇主们在招聘中仍然非常谨慎和挑拣。And employers are still being very cautious and choosy when it comes to hiring.

有一个挑剔的中国姑娘说,不足1.70米的男人就该被看成是半残废。It is said by a choosy girl, that any man under 170 cm is considered a semi-invalid.

许多咿呀学步的孩子非常挑食,而且不愿尝试新事物。Many toddlers are notoriously choosy about their foods and reticent to try new things.

事实也说明,贫困家庭的孩子很少有拒食和挑食的。The fact that children from poor families rarely have the antifeedant and choosy food.

但在这样一个严重挑剔的市场环境下,空间是留给更好和最好的。But even in a choosy environment, Kawasaki says, there's always room for better and best.

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挑剔的雄鸟会在使用自己真的喜欢的鼓槌前尝试两到三根鼓槌。The choosy males will try two or three different drumsticks before they settle on one they really like.

在决定和谁一起出去时、在同意某项评论时或是在选择参与或是不参与某项“游戏”时,吹毛求疵是可以的。It's okay to be choosy when it comes to who you hang out with, what commitments you agree to and "games" you play or don't play.

在买前要仔细选择根茎,不要选择那些须根太多或者是长得太大或者已经干枯的品种。Be choosy. Before you buy, examine six-packs of plants carefully. Avoid those that have tangled roots, are over-grown or dried out.

我还以为是缺锌可她吃饭不错还很能吃又不挑食各方面都没问题为什么会这样?I thought it was zinc deficiency can she still eat a good meal without being choosy food all aspects of the problem not the reason for this?

“理论上,女性在选择配偶时比男性更挑剔,因为她们根本没有使自己的基因传递下去的机会,”拉斯-亨内曼说。"In theory, women should be more choosy than men in mating decisions because they don't have the opportunity to reproduce as much, " says Lass-Hennemann.

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因此身为一个提升人类,你可以慎重选择要召唤的地球部分或者王国来支持自己的提升旅程。As an ascending being oneself, one may therefore be choosy about the part of Earth that one calls upon, or the kingdoms one beckons for assistance in one's journey.

但一项来自英国的最新研究却表示,男人在选择伴侣时宁愿找年龄较大但有魅力的女子,也不找那些相貌平平的年轻姑娘。But a new study from Britain suggests men may be more choosy than they're usually given credit for, preferring older attractive woman to younger plain-looking ones.

但是一些显然很健康的精子却不能触发女性体内的上述变化,因此,可以看出,女性身体系统对她的生物学意义上的伴侣有选择性,罗伯森这么说。But some apparently healthy sperm failed to activate these changes, leading to the suggestion that the female system can be "choosy" about its biological mate, she said.