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顽皮大胆的小学生会往上爬。Adventurous schoolboys climbed up them.

——整个计划貌似很冒险和疯狂。The entire plan seemed adventurous and wild.

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阿雷正横越非洲进行冒险之旅。Ray is on an adventurous trip through Africa.

新起亚狮跑。一个多一点冒险。The new Kia Sportage. A bit more adventurous.

是的,我可以和我想的那样勇敢和大胆.Yes, I can be as bold and adventurous as I want.

漂亮的玫瑰,色泽红润明丽。Sweet rose, wcorrupt hue enraged and adventurous.

安逸的生活会使人变得不思进取。A life of easy leisure makes a man less adventurous.

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1975年在北极圈,欲尝试海洋冒险的查尔斯全副武装。On an adventurous visit to the Arctic Circle in 1975.

酷爱冒险的她长大后成为了一名海军战斗机飞行员。Adventurous Annie grows up to become a navy fighter pilot.

很多爱冒险的青少年偶尔会尝点酒。Most adventurous teenagers will occasionally have a drink.

这已经成为一个没有任何冒险性的地方。This was a place that couldn’t have been more adventurous.

趁此机会我们也考察市场对历奇行程的反应。We also tested the market response for adventurous products.

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耳朵本身就是探险精神的培训基地。The ear itself is the training-ground for adventurous spirits.

她说,婚姻对双方而言,是一次冒险的行为。The marriage was, for both of them, an adventurous move, she says.

应该送什么酒给喜欢探索酒世界的朋友?What wine should I give to an adventurous friend discovering wine?

在90.5米高处,还为热衷冒险的游客们准备了蹦极跳台。At level 90.5, a bungee platform is available for adventurous visitors.

陆军和冒险的喜爱驱动越野吉普的能力。The Army and the adventurous loved the Jeep's ability to drive off-road.

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好冒险的旅行者可以去高山滑雪,空中滑翔跳伞和蹦极。Adventurous travelers can go heli-skiing, paragliding and bungee jumping.

小说描写了其主人公汤姆·索耶的少年成长故事。The character Tom Sawyer is a clever but mischievous and adventurous boy.

一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中。An adventurous voluptuary, angling in all streams for variety of pleasures.