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你这个电视迷!You couch potato!

在沙发上跳几下。Hop up on the couch.

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我躺在卧榻上。I'll lie on the couch.

那边,沙发椅旁边。?。Over there, by the couch.

上我这儿来,坐到沙发上。Sit beside me on the couch.

这对爱看电视的懒骨头是个好消息。Good news for couch potatoes.

或者你也可以待在家里的沙发上。Or you can stay on the couch.

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有时我独卧空床心茫然。For oft, when on my couch I lie.

你会在他的沙发椅上做吗?。Think you'll do it on his couch.

有人给我端来饭菜,我就在沙发上进餐。I am served my meals on my couch.

精神医生是在沙发上做的。Psychiatrists do it on the couch.

玛丽露从沙发上跳下来。Marylou was jumping off the couch.

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我在沙发上向沙发上的你问好!So from our couch to yours, hello!

从沙发上站起来,去做一些有益的事情。Get off the couch and do something!

我为这张沙发做了一个新的靠枕。I made a new cushion for the couch.

午饭后他躺在长沙发上休息。After lunch he reposed on the couch.

他轻轻地抱着她坐在沙发上。He cradled her on the leather couch.

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我在沙发上躺了大约一个星期。I spent about one week on the couch.

——我们离开沙发,四处活动起来。We were off the couch moving around.

你要把沙发椅放在哪里?。Where are you going to put the couch?