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硬性指不灵活或非常严格。Rigid means inflexible or very strict.

他做事情就是一根筋,不灵活。He is inflexible in dealing with things.

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天蝎是感性、热情、苛求、嫉妒、顽固的。Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous, inflexible.

俄罗斯的游客签证很灵便,允许你待30天。A tourist visa is inflexible and allows you to stay for 30 days.

苏格拉底的择善固执跟他的疏离感是息息相关的。The inflexible purity of Socrates and his atopia are correlative.

因为感到肢体非常僵硬,我会通常利用此机会伸展身体。I will often use this opportunity to stretch, as I am very inflexible.

当死板的规则强加在灵活的人类身上时,两面皆输。When inflexible rules are imposed on flexible humans, both sides lose.

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从外面看,四面犬牙交错,不显呆板单调。Look from outside, all around interlocking, do not show inflexible and drab.

僵化地坚持某些特定,非功能性的生活习惯或仪式。A seemingly inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals

此标准机械而灵活,且具有相当的黜落功能。The marking criterion is inflexible and flexible. It has the selecting function.

没有弹性,不允许考虑个别情况。Being inflexible and do not permit the consideration of individual circumstances.

但是一般的压电材料都非常硬,而且不易弯曲,通常还有毒性。But they’re ordinarily made of hard, inflexible materials, which are also usually toxic.

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湖躺在山脚下,像在执拗者的跟前含泪恳求爱。The lake lies low by the hill, a tearful entreaty of love at the foot of the inflexible.

湖水伏卧在山脚,好像是跪在坚拒者的裙裾下,痛哭流涕地求爱。The lakes lies low by the hill, a tearful entreaty of love at the foot of the inflexible.

有些国家政府应该会满想念以前那个固执不通的老美国,躲在他背后避风头很有效。Some governments had found the old, inflexible America useful to hide behind and will miss it.

他坚守的其中一条规定就是每日早上敬拜神,直到接受正午时分为止。One of the inflexible rules of his devotions was to worship the Deity daily till almost midday.

本文对生产中用45钢制造的双头呆扳手的裂纹问题进行了研究。This paper deals with the craze problem of double-ended inflexible wrenches made of 1045 steel.

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在整个谈判过程当中,双方在加班问题上各执己见,毫无回旋余地。All the way through the negotiations both sides remained inflexible on the issue of longer hours.

这种解决方案比较容易实现,但是得到的实现常常不够灵活。That solution is relatively easy to implement, but often results in an inflexible implementation.

用户可曾遇到因为和其他SFV效果有关的过于复杂或不能检查一些文件的问题?Had problems with other SFV utils because they were too inflexible and you couldn't check some files?