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没有哪个系统是万全的。No system can be fully foolproof.

首先,不存在“傻瓜”体系。First, no system can be foolproof.

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那是一个肯定成功的快速健康的减肥方法。That's a foolproof plan for fast and heathy weight loss.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费防呆充分流?Where can I watch Foolproof movie online free full stream?

珍妮有个简单的法子,可把科林的帽子从比利那儿拿回来。Jenny has a foolproof plan to get Colin’s hat back from Billy.

没有一种绝对可靠的方法消灭夏天的蝇虫。He tried to devise a foolproof plan for getting rid of termites.

他试图发明一种安全得连小孩子都可以用的消灭白蚁的方法。He tried to devise a foolproof plan for getting rid of termites.

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数位式酒精值监测设计,就算再笨也会用喔!This digital alcohol monitor has an "upgraded foolproof design."

想要做万无一失的设想是不可能的,因为蠢蛋都太天才了,先知只会弄巧成拙。It's impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.

川野坚强调这是一招险棋,一定要确保万无一失。Sichuan wild strong it is a spectacular game, be sure to ensure foolproof.

不能把黑名单或白名单作为一种绝对安全的解决方案。You cannot consider blacklisting or whitelisting to be a foolproof solution.

这似乎是职工优先认股权这种激励措施仅有的明显效果。This seems to be the only foolproof effect of stock options-based incentives.

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贮存场所都在电源中断时的故障保险柜,但他们并非万无一失。Storage sites have fail-safes in the event that power is lost, but they're not foolproof.

这不会提供一种简单的可用性方法,但是已经很接近了。This does not provide a foolproof availability option, but is sufficiently close to that.

该方法无需使用病毒,而且是个创造心肌细胞的极其简单的方法,他们说道。It involves no viruses and is a foolproof method to create cardiac cells that beat, they say.

采取一种简单而现代的方法,跟随我们的DIY指南并创造出一个肉质植物花园。For a foolproof and modern take, follow our DIY guide and create a container succulent garden.

如果你正因为圣诞时欢唱颂歌的人儿烦躁不堪,这里有一些简单明了的方式可以帮助你避免他们带来的困扰。If Christmas carolers set your teeth on edge, here are some foolproof ways to get rid of them.

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打破这个循环是主要的问题,解决方法也是多种多样,但是都无功而返。Breaking the cycle is the problem here and the solutions offered are varied with nothing totally foolproof.

不过分析人士认为,人类不论进行了多充分的准备,最终也无法完全对抗大自然的力量。However in the end, analysts say that no amount of human preparedness is foolproof against the power of nature.

毛冬华的帘笼系列作品,是她于极简构图作品中较为洗练、纯粹的一种。The artworks of curtains and cages presented by Mao Donghua are the purely one in his paintings of foolproof composition.