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代表团乘车前往宾馆。The delegation drove to the guesthouse.

二路公共汽车是从伍家岗到三峡宾馆的。No. 2 bus form Wujiagang to Three gorges guesthouse.

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应邀去钓鱼台国宾馆作画。He was invited to paint at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

格雷格一家把他们的车库改成了客房。The Greggs have transformed their garage into a guesthouse.

学校招待所每天接待一百位客人。The school guesthouse receives one hundred guests everyday.

钓鱼台国宾馆森严的警卫,令几人倍感神秘?Diaoyutai state guesthouse heavily, make many people feel guards mystery?

2003年8月29日,国务委员唐家璇在钓鱼台国宾馆会见了出席北京六方会谈各方代表团。six-party talks on the Korean nuclear issue at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.

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吴年温说,坎贝尔周一下午将在政府宾馆会见苏姬。Nyan Win said Campbell would meet Suu Kyi in a government guesthouse on Monday afternoon.

玉渊潭公园附近有没有经济点的宾馆招待所?Do the beautiful deep pool park have the guesthouse guest house that economy counts nearby?

马克霍夫曼和他的妻子,东望洋大赛,自己在农村肯普顿,伊利诺伊的床和早餐的宾馆。Mark Hoffman and his wife, Guia, own a bed-and-breakfast guesthouse in rural Kempton, Illinois.

其中最引人注目的,当数福田区上海宾馆对面的鼎盛时代。One of the most striking, when several Fukuda District Shanghai guesthouse opposite energetic era.

有一个本地官员在取得一份文件之前坚决拒发客栈执照。One local bigwig had steadfastly refused a license for the guesthouse until a document was produced.

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男子打电话给小雯说,叫她到新建县一宾馆内拿她该得的坐台钱。Man called Xiaowen said, the new county called her to a guesthouse with her in the Little of the money.

当晚,国家主席胡锦涛将在钓鱼台国宾馆设宴迎接他的到来。President Hu Jintao will host a state dinner for Obama at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in the evening

我们于晚上10时许抵达了坎大哈北郊的外交部招待所。We arrived at the Foreign Ministry guesthouse on the northern outskirts of Kandahar shortly before 10pm.

接着我们来到宾馆会议室,面对面围着一张铺有绿色厚羊毛毯的桌子坐下。We then repaired to a conference room in the guesthouse and faced each other across a green baize table.

孙权引一班谋士,随后都到,却教吕范来馆驿中请玄德。Sun Quan arrived next, leading a group of counselors, and sent Lv Fan to the guesthouse to escort Xuande.

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吉林省宾馆总经理及全体员工,时刻恭候各位朋友的光临,这里一定会成为您温馨的家园。Guesthouse general manager and staff, always waiting for friends presence here will become your warm homes.

在我们停留期间,圣帕布帕德和他的随行人员在客房的一楼与二楼之间有房间。During our stay, Çréla Prabhupäda and his entourage had rooms on half of the second floor of the guesthouse.

在这个欧洲最精美的堡垒城市里,披罗带我走过陡峭的,游客免进的小巷,前往他的小旅馆。Pero walks me to his boutique guesthouse on a steep, tourist-free back lane in Europe's finest fortified port city.