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消除嗜睡和精神萎靡。Relieves lethargy and mental sluggishness.

这只鸟在早上就无生气,很不寻常。The bird's lethargy in the morning was unusual.

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这个声音唤醒了无精打采的妮可。The sound roused Nikol from her dread lethargy.

症状包括疲倦、脸色苍白、没有精神。Symptoms include tiredness , paleness, and lethargy.

他仍然身体健康,并没有显示出昏睡的迹象。He remains fit and healthy and shows no sign of lethargy.

一次令人吃惊的军事进攻把全国人民从昏昏噩噩中惊醒。A surprise military attack roused the nation from its lethargy.

手术过后几小时,她仍然昏睡不醒。Several hours after the surgery, she was still in her lethargy.

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手术过后几小时,她仍然昏睡不醒。Several hours after the surgery, she was still in her lethargy.

他们还可能有淋巴结肿大,嗜睡和眩晕等症状。They could also have enlarged lymph nodes, lethargy and vertigo.

犬的症状有急性关节炎、食欲减退和昏睡。Symptoms in dogs include acute arthritis, anorexia, and lethargy.

有道德的人患了昏睡性脑炎可能变得不讲道德。A virtuous person may be rendered vicious by encephalitic lethargy.

比较常见的徵状是流鼻涕,食欲不佳以及昏睡。The more common symptoms are nasal discharge , poor appetite, and lethargy.

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患有毕业倦怠症的学生会经常有强烈的倦怠感。Students in the throes of senioritis often feel a profound sense of lethargy.

最初症状为发热、厌食、头痛、倦怠和昏睡。Initially, symptoms are fever, loss of appetite, headache, malaise and lethargy.

这种可恶的迷人的烈性酒精使他昏睡。The hideous potion of absinthe-porter and alcohol had thrown him into a lethargy.

同样的冷漠,恐怕是我们的特点和感官学院使用。The same lethargy , I am afraid, characterizes the use of our faculties and senses.

瘦素决定身体要储存或者消耗脂肪,困倦无力还是精神抖擞。Leptin decides whether fat should be stored or used, resulting in lethargy or energy.

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四肢无力或沉重,则是地元素偏胜的症象。A feeling of lethargy or heaviness in your limbs is a sign of too much earth property.

而深绿色和深蓝色也许需要更深的色调来形成对比,以便维持放松的氛围。Dark shades of blue and green, though, may need sharper contrast to prevent a sense of lethargy.

同时,锻炼还会减弱戒烟不良反应的程度,例如易怒,头痛和瞌睡。It may also take the edge off withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, headaches, and lethargy.