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我想看草裙舞表演。I want to see the hula show.

呼啦圈,仰卧起坐,俯卧撑。Hula Hoop, sit-ups, push-ups.

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我会玩,我会玩呼啦圈。I can play, I can play hula hoop.

记得童年的呼拉圈吗?Remember the hula hoop from childhood?

当荧光呼拉圈遭遇爪哇加麦兰。Glowing hula hoop meets Javanese Gamelan.

最初的草裙舞是一种礼拜仪式。When hula began it was a form of worship.

在1963年的今天,呼拉圈被申请专利。Today in 1963, the hula hoop was patented.

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而同时用最多呼拉圈摇的纪录则是107个。The most twirled at once was 107 hula hoops.

如今,那些框架就像呼拉圈一样过时了。Today, frames are as outdated as hula hoops.

有氧运动更加有趣,呼拉圈是其中的一个项目。Aerobics were more fun, including hula hooping.

新的呼啦圈是由高科技。The new hula hoop is made with high technology.

惠姆-奥公司的这种新玩具定名为呼拉圈。Wham -o's new toy was christened the hula hoop.

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奶奶可以摇呼拉圈摇很久。Grandma can shake the hula hoop for a long time.

我喜欢运动。我会玩,我会玩呼啦圈。I like sports. I can play, I can play hula hoop.

让我们来看看什么样的草裙舞的好处胡平。Let's look at what the benefits of hula hooping.

除了吃的外,还有夏威夷式宴会的特色表演——草裙舞。Besides the food, hula dancing makes a luau special.

德国城市创下集体转呼拉圈世界纪录。Mass wiggle earns German city a new hula hoop record.

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热爱摇呼拉圈的人创下了许多纪录。Many records have been set by people who love to hula hoop.

有一次,她告诉一个冲浪运动员,自己曾在火奴鲁鲁得过草裙舞的冠军。Once, she tells a surfer, she won a hula title in Honolulu.

米歇尔的呼啦圈才艺以前就被她的丈夫奥巴马特别提到过。Mrs Obama's hula talent has been noted before by her husband.