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屋顶垮了。The roof fell in.

必须是山墙屋顶!The roof must be gable!

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他们用木瓦盖屋顶。They shingled the roof.

他们给房顶装置了防火设备。They fireproofed a roof.

风把屋顶吹掉了。What blew the roof away.

我们的房顶上满是雪吗?Is that snow on our roof?

雨水漏进了房顶。The roof let in the rain.

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这个屋顶漏雨。This roof let in the rain.

屋顶给风吹掉。The wind blew off the roof.

劲风吹坏了屋顶。The wind strained the roof.

修理茅草屋屋顶的三个男人。Three men repair bure roof.

怎么,是屋漏么?Well, was the roof leaking?

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山顶上覆盖着白雪。He boarded the roof himself.

墙上爬满了常春藤。Ivy has crept over the roof.

公鸡在屋顶上啼叫。The cock crowed on the roof.

检查门在筒仓屋顶。Inspection door on silo roof.

水泥柱支撑着大桥。These posts support the roof.

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我们必须把屋顶重修一下。We must have the roof redone.

你为什么想要一个绿色屋顶?Why do you want a green roof?

骑着扫帚飞到了屋顶。Flying to the roof on a broom.