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你这样是吓不倒我的…No, we're the Gestapo.

盖世太保称她为“白鼠”。The Gestapo called her the “White Mouse”.

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不料盖世太保反而把拉伯拘捕。Instead, Rabe was arrested by the Gestapo.

实际上,我要向大家强烈推荐他们In fact, I highly recommend the Gestapo to everybody.

11月6日,盖世太保将雷吉娜逮捕。Regina was arrested, on November 6th, by the Gestapo.

实际上,我要向大家强烈推荐他们“In fact, I highly recommend the Gestapo to everybody."

他作为一个德国军人,却杀了13个盖世太保。As a German-enlisted man, he killed 13 Gestapo officers.

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盖世太保把她抓起来,关进了“儿童健康营”。Gestapo put her arrest, locked up in a "children's health camp".

在米兰火车站的月台上,她被两个盖世太保密探抓住了。She was seized on a Milan station platform by two Gestapo agents.

假如盖世太保知道她是拉兹洛的妻子,那对她自己和力克来说都是相当危险的。If Gestapo found out she was Laszlo's wife, it would be dangerous for her and Rick.

你的意思是想让我和盖世太保一样用警棍殴打犹太人。You mean you want me to beat up Jews with my truncheon and catch the Gestapo spirit.

德国人有时起疑,盖世太保甚至找她问话。There were times when the Germans became suspicious, and she was even interviewed by the Gestapo.

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他签署了文件,并在下面写到,“盖世太保从不曾伤害我。So he signs the letter and then he writes underneath it, "The Gestapo has not harmed me in any way.

然而,法国盖世太保却逃过了私刑,因为,他们被送上了审判台,等待他们的是死刑。The heads of the French Gestapo were not lynched, however. They were tracked down and put on trial.

在亲人的努力下,她终于逃脱了盖世太保的魔掌,举家迁往美国。In relatives diligently under, she finally escaped gestapo armor, family moved to the United States.

1943年,德国占领下的罗马目睹赫伯特卡普勒上校指挥的盖世太保许多暴行。In 1943, German-occupied Rome witnessed many atrocities of the Gestapo under the command of Colonel Herbert Kappler.

正如帕庞一样,许多杀手都曾是纳粹合作者,他们从盖世太保那里学会了控制人群的方法。Like Papon, many of the killers had been Nazi collaborators who learned their crowd control methods from the Gestapo.

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她亦获知,1943年,她的丈夫因拒绝透露她的任何行踪,已被盖世太保折磨致死。She also learned that the Gestapo had tortured her husband to death in 1943 for refusing to disclose her whereabouts.

合众社记者之中有位好酒贪怀的人,上星期已由德国秘密警察监护前往法兰克福动手术。One of the U. P correspondents, a heavy drinker, was taken to frankfurt last week under Gestapo guard for an operation.

1943年,法国的抵抗运动一浪高过一浪,当地的盖世太保组织便奉命协助围剿造反的武装。Throughout 1943, French resistance to Germany intensified. The local Gestapo was ordered to help exterminate the rebels.