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市、镇或村,未特别指定人口。City, town or village, unspecified population.

这里操作符是否是一个成员函数是不确定的。That is, whether the operator is a member is unspecified.

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使用这个范围以外的值所造成的结果是未规定的。The result of using values outside of this range is unspecified.

该选项将对非标准的文件执行未知的操作。This option performs an unspecified operation on non-standard files.

向资源添加未指定的属性不会使数据无效。Adding unspecified properties to a resource does not invalidate the data.

他警告日方若一意孤行,将会采取未言明的“进一步行动”。He gave warning of unspecified "further actions" if Japan does not comply.

他发出警告,如果日本再不释放,将随时采取“进一步行动”。He gave warning of unspecified “further actions” if Japan does not comply.

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与会者说,他们以后会恢复谈判,不过日期还不确定。Participants said they would resume negotiations at a later, unspecified date.

然而,投资者的复古资本已经起诉该公司寻求获得赔偿。However, investor Enduro Capital has sued the firm seeking unspecified damages.

机上147名乘客和数目不明的机组人员均未受伤。None of the 147 passengers nor the unspecified number of crew members were injured.

第5条本制度适用于未注明条款的其他各项规章制度。Article 5 The system is applicable to other unspecified terms of rules and regulations.

就是一个虚构的人名,如同我们常常说的“张三,李四”。A fictitious name that used for unknown or unspecified person in English-Speaking country.

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最初,毒蛉被鉴定为某种未知生物的不稳定虫族变体。At first the baneling was identified as an unstable zerg mutation of an unspecified genus.

大多数在这里销售的药茶都只不过是很多不知名物质组成的混合物。Most of the herbal teas sold here are simply flavorful combinations of unspecified composition.

目的探讨待分类的精神病性和非精神病性精神障碍临床特征。Objective To probe into the clinical feature of unspecified psychotic and nonpsychotic disorder.

理想的情况是,这的代码数量很少,所以也很容易识别出那些未特定指明的特性。Ideally, this is a small amount of code and thus it is easy to identify the unspecified features.

在该种情况下,应用程序被请求在“未指定的事务”上下文中执行。In this case, the application is said to be executing under an "unspecified transaction" context.

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只是一个初期的构想,还希望朋友们多提意见,帮忙完善!谢谢!It is an unspecified project. I hope you can give me some recommendations to develop it! Thank you!

Foxmarks公司计划继续免费提供Foxmarks软件,他们把盈利的希望寄托在未来的其他产品上。The company plans to keep Foxmarks free, but is hoping to make money from future, unspecified products.

当局称,她目前身患一种尚不确定的疾病,并已将其软禁于家中。They say she is suffering from an unspecified medical condition and have placed her under house arrest.