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托尼来了,你知道吗?Tony's coming, do you savvy?

我所说的网络通具体指的是什么呢?What do I mean by web savvy?

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我们如何变成精明的消费者?How can we be savvy consumers?

喜欢小动物,善良,善解人意。Like small animals, good-hearted, savvy.

新生一代喜欢赶时髦,对高新产品也很在行。The new generation is trendy and tech savvy.

他们都具有自信、进取心强、精通技术等特质,但也分别存在着自我中心、缺乏耐心、自私等缺点。They are confident, enterprising and tech savvy.

知识的海洋中,踏浪而歌,奋勇前进。Knowledge in the ocean waves, stepping song, savvy.

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下面是一个快速测试来检验你的面试领悟力。Below is a quick quiz to test your interview savvy.

精明的成本节省策略取代去年的“留在家中度假”Savvy cost saving tactics replace last year’s Staycation

现在的企业今非昔比,已经移动化了,对不断兴起的移动应用更加敏感。It's mobile. It's more savvy to the emerging apps universe.

凯勒曼说明智的管理人员应当区别对待各类追随者。Savvy managers should treat each type differently, she argues.

在这个过程中,一个有见地的架构师将学习到很多东西。During this process, a savvy architect will learn a great deal.

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两家公司的经营者都称,彭日成是一位精明的金融家。Executives at both firms praised Mr. Pang as a savvy financier.

他以睿智的政治头脑和强势的管理手腕出名。He is known for his political savvy and strong management skills.

理解能力超强的中国媒体受众读得懂字里行间的深意。Savvy Chinese media consumers know how to read between the lines.

要摸清那些诡谲多变的股票、债券和商品交易的来龙去脉。Learn the ins and outs of savvy stock, bond and commodities trading.

麦金莱是一个能仔细倾听公众意见的聪明的政治家。McKinley was a savvy politician who listened carefully to the public.

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马锦仪凭着过人的悟性,不断地超越自己。Ma Kam-yee With extraordinary savvy and constantly surpass themselves.

一个具有数据头脑的公司必须知道过拟合成本。And a data savvy organization must understand the cost of over-fitting.

毫无疑问,酒界也隐藏着不少亿万富翁,他们的财富让人艳羡,本文将盘点出酒界10大富豪。Here we count down the world's top 10 richest drinks savvy billionaires.