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我是高顿·劳森。This is Gordon Lawson.

知道了,谢谢你打电话来,劳森先生。I see. Well, thank you for calling, Mr. Lawson.

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八点到九点劳森先生正在往井场去的路上。Mr. Lawson was on his way to the well site from eight to nine.

吉登斯和劳森一样认为绿色运动的思想十分混乱。Giddens joins Lawson in dismissing this thinking as wretchedly woolly.

安斯。罗森是“全球亲证”的银行与反腐败活动负责人。Anthea Lawson is the head of the Banks and Corruption campaign at Global Witness.

其主要子公司富尔斯特?戴?劳森有限公司由六个专业部门组成。Its principal subsidiary, Fuerst Day Lawson Ltd, comprises six specialist divisions.

其主要子公司富尔斯特·戴·劳森有限公司由六个专业部门组成。Its principal subsidiary, Fuerst Day Lawson Ltd, comprises six specialist divisions.

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拍摄那天劳森不在剧组,另一个演员科林·希金斯代替了他。Lawson was unavailable that day for shooting and another actor, Colin Higgins, filled in.

为了进行这项研究,罗森和楞兹使用了2006年两次美国民众调查数据。To conduct the study, Lawson and Lenz used data from two 2006 surveys of American voters.

在此基础上,罗森建议在新员工入司的头一个月左右,管理者每周与他们一对一地谈一次。From there, Ms. Lawson suggests holding weekly one-on-one meetings for the first month or so.

劳森认为,由于富裕国家缺乏足够的重视,非洲平民承受了很多痛苦。Lawson says ordinary Africans are suffering because of misplaced priorities among rich nations.

劳森说,因为「婆罗洲之心」地处山区,没有立即的危险。Mr Lawson said the fact that the Heart of Borneo is in mountainous areas means it is not at immediate risk.

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如果SOA是到达终点的方法,如果我们不需要推销SOA,那么它是免费的?If SOA is a means to an end and if we don't have to sell SOA, then is it free? Loraine Lawson does not think so

劳森是老手了,能够赶走无足轻重的议员,尽管他们的问题实际上是非常正当的。Lawson has been around long enough to see off pipsqueak MPs, even if their questions are, actually, quite valid.

但劳森说,胰岛素也许对与生育相关的两个重要器官——大脑和卵巢有其他影响。But Lawson says insulin may have other effects on the brain and the ovaries, two important organs affecting fertility.

劳森向他解说象龟时「能够肯定说出哪一只象龟来自哪一座岛屿。Lawson, who explained that for the tortoises Lawson "could with certainty tell from which island any one was brought."

请稍候。我是接线员,有一个叫盖伊海伍德的,从孟加拉的达卡打给高顿·劳森的对方付费电话。Just a moment, please. This is the operator. I have a collect call for Mr. Gordon Lawson from a Guy Haywood in Dhaka Bangladesh.

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收购后,以富尔斯特·戴·劳森为名,公司繁荣发展,扩展到现有集团经营的许多领域。Trading thereafter as Fuerst Day Lawson the company prospered and expanded into many of the fields covered by the present Group.

爱莉森?洛桑一年前度过了一个漫长的冬天,当时她的女儿吉娜薇的耳朵感染,病况持续数月都没能治愈。Alison Lawson endured a long winter a year ago when her daughter Genevieve's ear infection lasted for months without successful treatment.

罗森首席执行官新浪刚史计划在2020年前在中国开设约10000家以出售饮料,食品和杂志为主的便利店。Lawson Inc. Chief Executive Officer Takeshi Niinami aims to open almost 10,000 stores in China by 2020, selling drinks, food and magazines.