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许多事故都是由于飞行员判断失误造成的。Many accidents were due to pilot misjudgement.

医生的误断是发生这场医疗事故的主要原因。The main reason for this medical accident is the doctor's misjudgement.

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作为一个公众人物,我以一次错误的判断,给我的影迷们带来了严重的伤害与震惊。As public man, I gave serious wound and shock to my fans because of one misjudgement.

甚至可以说,用不公这个词来形容这种误判是不恰当的。It's a false analogy even to use the word unfair to describe this kind of misjudgement.

唯一阻止这种积极性结果出现的是我们相互误解和判断失误。The only one thing that can stop this positive outcome is a mutual misunderstanding and misjudgement.

现在对于我听到的可能有点不公,但是他相信肯定会有倾向性。Now it may have been a slight misjudgement with regard to me hearing wrongly but I consider it quite apt.

原因装备电饭煲这么多的识别方法是为了防止误判和火灾爆发做饭。The reason to equip the cooker with so many recognition methods is to prevent misjudgement and fire outbreak in cooking.

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这个估计和判断过高于或过低于实际情况,都会对幼教工作和儿童的发展带来不良的影响。Any underestimation, overestimation or misjudgement will have negative effects on preschool education and children's development.

本方法避免了整体阈值法动态范围小和传统自适应阈值法固定分区所造成的误判。This method avoids the small dynamic range in global thresholding and misjudgement caused by fixed divided regions in adaptive thresholding.

在大多数故障诊断系统中,由于诊断所依据的实时信息在其形成和传递过程中都有可能产生信息的畸变,从而导致故障诊断结果的错误。In most practical application of fault diagnosis system , misjudgement may be caused by real- time information distorted in the process of generation and transfer.

工程契约之风险肇因于工程执行过程有许多不确定且无法预知的因素,以及许多不当或错误的预估或判断。Risks in every contract arise mostly due to uncertainty, unpredictable factors, inaccurate estimation or misjudgement of certain events pertaining to that contract.

指出汽轮机叶片围带焊后检测焊缝时避免焊接裂纹误判的正确探伤方法。The correct inspection methods are proposed to avoid misjudgement of welding cracks when the welding seam is detected after the turbine blade shroud bands is welded.

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对于心电信号中因伪迹造成的误判,可通过在小波检测方法中设置相应的检测策略克服。The misjudgement which is produced by the false tracks in electrocardiograph signals can be avoided through setting the corresponding detection policies using the wavelet detection method.

对回代正确率作了推广,提出了判别模型损失的概念,并以判别模型的损失为标准来衡量判别模型的好坏。In this paper, the right discriminant rate of discriminant model is extended, and the concept of misjudgement loss of discriminant model is considered to weigh the loss of discriminant models.

为了有效避免各种情况下的选线误判,将所有线路的频带复合熵最大值与次最大值之比作为选线依据。In order to avoid misjudgement in all kinds of fault condition, a criterion is defined that the maximum of complex wavelet pocket band composite entropy divisions the secondary maximum of that.

“当韩国政府更迭后,双方关系趋紧,他成了要对误判韩国对朝新政策负全责的替罪羊”,该消息人士还说。"As ties with the South worsened after the change of government, he became the scapegoat who took all the responsibility for misjudgement in the South's new policy on the North," the source said.

“当韩国政府更迭后,双方关系趋紧,他成了要对误判韩国对朝新政策负全责的替罪羊”,该消息人士还说。"As ties with the South worsened after the change of government, he became the scapegoat who took all the responsibility for misjudgement in the South's new policy on the North, " the source said.