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这些指控是有凭有据的。The charges were sensational.

那个发现引起了轰动。The discovery was sensational.

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他的报告真是妙极了!His report is really sensational !

结果是耸人听闻的。The result turned out to be sensational.

这个声明轰动一时。It was a sensational statement at the time.

这一案例十分轰动,也是十足的惨剧。The case is sensational and horribly tragic.

她减肥之后开起来漂亮极了。She looked sensational after she lost weight.

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佛洛瑞的这个病例,是一个很令人惊悚的文本。It is a sensational text, this case of Florie.

我记得杜德克表现绝对令人感到恐怖的。I remember Jerzy Dudek was absolutely sensational.

乔发展成为专写耸人听闻的故事的作家。Jo developed into a writer of sensational stories.

我还可以说,凡·高博物馆果真震撼人的心灵。And I can report that the Van Gogh Museum is sensational.

这类报纸满是耸人听闻的新闻报道。Papers of this kind are full of sensational news reports.

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瑞秋-麦克亚当斯选择了一条漂亮的玛切萨2011秋季长裙。Rachel McAdams wore a sensational Marchesa Fall 2011 gown.

能跟随库伊特的后尘也是相当美妙的。To follow in the footsteps of Dirk Kuyt would be sensational.

大师从不赞同那些看起来轰动的事情.The Master always frowned on anything that seemed sensational.

一个漂亮的炻器系列看起来总是震撼人心的。A beautiful stoneware range which will always look sensational.

逃亡者在1979年从达特穆尔监狱越狱出逃,引起一阵轰动。Fugitives made a sensational prison break from dartmoor in1979.

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这一案例十分轰动,也是十足的惨剧。但是有多罕见呢?The case is sensational and horribly tragic. But how rare is it?

今天的报纸有很多爆炸性新闻。There are a lot of sensational nes stories in today's newspaper.

加索尔和拜纳姆在保护篮板球上是很出色的。Pau and Andrew, their work on the boards tonight was sensational.